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Did we say little? Oops…
For the next 48 hours, celebrate April Fools in The Fog with your new best friend, Oni.
Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer action/horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As Survivors your goal is to work together to evade, escape, and most importantly – stay alive.
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Jokes on them. We want this lol
I cant find a game
My Little Oni, My Little Oni,
this is how yall should do godzilla
Hello, Humans
Those who lie are good at deceiving others. Never trust a human, always question what you're told, as the truth awaits you.
Super underwhelming. once your down one time it's right back to the lobby, or doing just 3 gens total and right out the door, to the lobby. Aside from size adjustments That's literally it, Meh.
no fucking way 😂😂
Bro behavor i know you just made a new gamemode but can you pls make a fnaf chapter for everyone because i been waitng for the chapter so if you could, pls make a fnaf chapther
This mode needs to be permanent plz
I kinda thought when BHVR wanted to make other modes for their game, we would get something that was more fleshed out and long lasting. I don't mind these little limited time game modes, but the last one was fun for like one day and then it got old real fast. This has the same vibe.
My Little Oni, Friendship is Bloodlust
I would like to have ths as a general game mode! <3
My Little Rushers
my little oni 🎶🎶⭐⭐
Ok there was this hacker playing as giant knigth 😂
Need the AoT skin on him!
Yo did we really get a Bug’s Life simulator or is this an another April Fools joke?
سروستون که پر از باگه
بازیتون هم که گرونه
چه کص و شعر بازیه اخه
Thank god this event is only a couple days long cause it is straight cheeks
I love this modifier it’s so fun and awesome dbd is one of my favourite games on ps5 please make this a regular game mode with all killers massive as it would be even more awesome 👍🏻
Are you adding winnie the pooh blood and honey to death by daylight because i hurt about it
My little Oni😂🤣😂
You could have called it "Oni, I Shrunk the Kills" 😬
This should not be limited time. This is great and should be a normal mode
I want this, but as a Survivor Perk ! They are sooooo cute ❤
Someone mentioned the event should be called “Oni, I shrunk the kids!” Since it’s not the Oni who is little.
My Little Oni should be the name of the mode where Oni is the size of Chucky.
Meg 😂
🎵 my little oni, my little oni
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh
I used to know just what freedom could beee
Until i got snagged by the entityyyy
Pallet stuns!
Killer shack loops
And flashlight saves
Cleansing totems
And hexes too
And teamwork helps us all escape from
Or he'll crush us with his very big
@DeadbyDaylightBHVR I think it was a mistake disabling cosmetics. I love you guys been a loyal customer for years💯❤️. I just have a small observation, if you added modes like this permanently it would add years to this product. Rotating killers even some of the other seasonal modes could be made part of a list of optional modes. I understand the fear of longer matchmaking times would drive ppl away but I feel once the word gets out about more fun goofy modes old players would flock back in droves. Maybe for the first 2 wks it would be rough but trust that servers would be pushed to the limit💯. I haven't played since October man I miss it. I even jumped in to buy chucky and The Alien killers,but that's all. I do that because I still believe in this game, company and community. I'm a Doc main man, that's right, the scum of the earth. Not because we're good, but because of our pure annoyance and I take pride in that😁🙏🏾 I know for a fact I'll be back playing again soon! But folks, with more different modes and way to just have fun would definitely shorten the time between breaks in play. Just a humble opinion of a nobody casual gamer. I never wanna stop being a fan of you guys💯👍🏾🙏🏾
This is awesome, would be so cool if this mode would be permanently playable, love this mode
My little Oni: Killing is magic
Can someone please tell when what time is this event going to end?
2 vs 8 ❌❌❌❌❌
Mini survs without perks ✅✅✅🥵👌
Running this with the armored titan skin is going to be so fun