Dead by Daylight, Myself, & the Channel (Future update)

Read more Dead by Daylight ➜

Hey everyone, slightly different video today talking about the channel as a whole, and the kind of stuff I have planned for it for the future. I’ve done a lot of thinking these past few weeks.

Check out my 2nd channel for videos on stuff other than games:

Follow me on Twitter @AZHYMOVS for updates and thoughts on various things:

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
World War Outerspace – Audio Hertz


44 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight, Myself, & the Channel (Future update)”

  1. Long time viewer, first time commenter. I just want to start off by saying I am very proud of you opening up in this video. I'm sure that must have been a difficult thing to do. As for the content., I believe most of us, your viewers, will stay because of your demeanor . Have you contemplated streaming? If you did, you have a subscriber right here

    I wish you the best in your job search and I believe it is great you are trying to better yourself! keep at it! As someone who has dealth with self- isolation and anxiety in the past, it can be very intimidating but trust it is very rewarding to break that cycle.

  2. Always enjoy watching your content bro and mental health is definitely important to maintain so good luck with your job search and I hope it all works out for you man🥳still will catch some of your content when you post fasho

  3. Listen – you have a niche – and that’s certain. But once you get to a certain followership your niche doesn’t really matter anymore as much as finding a theme to the niche. Your niche isn’t dead by daylight, per se . Your nice is lore – and that allows you to have a very broad base. And your following isn’t just here for dbd – I’m glad you’re doing better but fysa – no matter what you do in life you’ll get that same “I’m just waking up to do XYZ” scenario… and that’s the ultra depressive seeker syndrome in us .. because we’ve been promised we’re special and we’re more – it’s a meaty trudge and BBQ … that’s all. Take comfort in the fact that you’re giving SO much enjoyment to others and making some of us delayed smoked ribs happy prior to our smoking…

  4. I love this channel and your videos. They're fun, entertaining, and interesting. I always look forward to seeing a new upload, so I'm glad to see you making an effort to bring as much joy to yourself as you bring to all of us. Cheers mate 🙂

  5. I would like to see more games on the channel your 1 of my favorite YouTubeers so seeing this makes me feel better but I like your dead by daylight content and I hope your doing OK man

  6. best of luck! good for you for looking out for yourself and treating yourself with kindness. we all love your videos and your unique spin on the game, you’re by far my favourite creator in the dbd world. i trust your opinion on perks, ive learnt a lot about the game through your videos too. good luck with the job search! looking forward to whatever you want to share with us in the future

  7. I’m glad you had the confidence and courage to express how you feel. I’m surely going to miss DBD videos, but I also understand how monotonous it can be to do the same thing every day for long periods of time (even I don’t play as much DBD as before). I’ll look forward to your new content, I like RE, so I guess that’s already a good start 😛
    Good luck with your job and I hope you can start feeling better and accomplishing more things. I know how it is to live without an specific purpose (I actually still feel that way), so I hope you can find yours.
    Thanks for giving us all this amazing content, aaand, good-bye ;3

  8. over the past couple months, you have grown to be my favorite content creator. you always bring such a great comfort to me and your videos help me to calm down and get some much needed sleep. i'm so happy you're deciding to focus on yourself and doing what you truly want to do. i wish you luck with the job search and success with the new content and channels!! <3

  9. Hey bro! Do what you gotta do an what you think is best for you and your mental health. We’re gonna be here waiting for you if you ever want to make some new vids! RE vids would be dope tho! One day at a time.

  10. I'll speak for myself when I say that I came for the content, but I will stay for the creator. No matter what you decide to do, I plan on watching your content because YOU make it great. All the work you do is very much appreciated, and if that means diving into other things because of burnout or lack of inspiration then I can't wait to see what's next, for the channel and for yourself.

  11. Honestly I’m happy for you 😀 you might not do as many videos as you do now but it’s better for you. Plus I wish you the greatest luck on finding a job you like 👍

  12. I'm sorry that you've suffered with anxiety and depression, I know what its like but I'm glad you're getting back, you're videos are so entertaining as, you could always do dbd perk builds if you're struggling with video ideas

  13. I don’t know if you’ll read this but I’m so proud of you man. I want you to know that it may seems like just numbers on a screen but there’s something genuine about brining content to consumers. We don’t appreciate you enough but when we step back and look at it, you give us a small part of each day to relax and not worry about our own stress and anxiety. I hope you can view it like that too, It’s something that’ll help with knowing why what you’re making is so nice. I hope all goes well in your personal life and we’ll always be here to listen and watch your videos even if they’re not about dbd or gaming.

  14. Hey man, I've struggled with my mental health for years I can't tell you that I can relate to your feelings but that's besides the point! It's nice to hear you're branching out and looking for jobs, I don't want to try and tell you what to do but you mentioned anxiety. I struggled with social anxiety and more. and a job that actually I found helped me be comfortable around new people without overwhelming me was becoming a housekeeper in a hotel! You're part of a group and it's like a family. Whether it's what you're looking for I have no clue. However I wanted to let you in the small chance it helps you ☺️.

  15. Hello. been loving all dbd related content, that's how i found you, but i'll def try to watch other videos you release.
    I completely feel you on anxiety and depression, as im suffering from both too, very shut in, and can't find an actual goal.
    Recently i've reached the same conclusion- find a job, try to socialize even if not on a deep level, leave the house, breathe.
    I wish you the best of luck, i hope the surrounding people you meet will be friendly, understanding and accepting.
    I hope you'll grow more and more comfortable, and find something to really desire in life, as i want to as well.
    Virtual hug, sending strength to you- get up each morning, and rock your days.

  16. To be honest, you are an interesting creator content in DBD
    Sure i noticed you repeat thingsm for updating the new audience with the new info in DBD, but somehow i still think the content your provide is unique, few people analyze the story behind DbD not just the tecniques as Dowsey or Otzdarva, or those silly theories about the next chapter minutes after the released of the new chapter in that moment.
    i see you are interesting in horror stuff
    Maybe analyzing some horror icons would be creates, as you do in DBD lore, few details that people stop to think, or the consequences that the events left the icons
    Even in games, any game or movie you talk i would watch your opinion and why this character maybe could fit in games
    Good luck finding a job and i glad you are improving in mental healthy

  17. I really enjoy your lore content, but I don't think it has anything to do with dbd in particular. I think I just like your calm voice and approach to discussing the material your given. With that being the case, I think what material you choose to cover doesn't really matter. As long as it ha the AZHYMOVS magic put into it, I'd most likely enjoy it either way, regardless the game.

  18. You're amazing never forget that. And we all appreciate you.
    And if you ever want to to talk or chat a bit I'm looking forward to it because I know how being depressed, lonely and anxiety feels

  19. You come across as a genuinely great person. I'm very autistic and when I pick up a game I tend to obsess over it, you're content has helped me with this, like seriously. When I first played a resident evil game it had an incredibly negative impact on my well being because I would spend hours upon hours searching for lore and unique gameplay quirks, your videos have really helped this when I picked up dbd both from helping me not have to research the lore completely and also your videos ranking in game stuff like perks have put me in a good spot because I find myself hating myself if I'm not the best I can be in a game. I've had a shitty few months and I'm truly great full for people like You, Rapid and Coconut because I've managed to keep in the loop of the game. I will happily watch anything you put out not just because I enjoy learning new games, but because your videos never disappoint:)

  20. I completely understand I do YouTube myself. Sometimes you can feel like your little burnt out. And other times you feel like you want to do a different topic are different game. I fully understand.


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