Dead by daylight vs horror movies

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Which one do you think is better?

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25 thoughts on “Dead by daylight vs horror movies”

  1. Dead by daylight is a collection of icons from what we would consider horror. Some of them are known through films, and video games. However, some are known from myths, legends, and cautionary tales. Sure some are loosely based. But that is so they can have them in the game.

  2. Ghostface in the game isnt billy, its danny. DbD was unable to get any licensing rights to anything in the ghostface series besides just the mask and name ghostface. DbD ghost face is just another guy who put the mask on, billy was the OG original. I wish him and sidney was in the game with a university map

  3. My reaction to all of them
    Amanda young:😯
    Bubba: 😍😍😍😍😍😍
    Pyramid head:😰
    Billy loomis: ☠️

  4. I download dead by daylight since I saw vids and wanted to play. I played the tutorial and was happy with the game so I wanted to play online. WITCH is the whole game. AND IT SAYS I NEED PLAYSTATION PLUS TO PLAY! sO I CAN ONLY PLAY AGAINST BOTs AND THE TUTORIAL!


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