Dead By Daylight News | Predator Leaks, OG Chapter News, Haunted By Daylight

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24 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight News | Predator Leaks, OG Chapter News, Haunted By Daylight”

  1. People have already comented saying that dbd leaks have not posted this and while that is technically true and i did slip up in the video saying they posted it themselves that is not true however, it is on the dbd leaks reddit with the flair "LEAK" meaning a moderator has approved the post and it is still up as a "LEAK" despite it being debunked. i stated in the video "dbd leaks posted this" since the post has gained massive atention on the reddit itself and has been approved by the moderators of the reddit as a leak. it is in this video for awareness that the leak is fake.

    "leak" post –

    Debunked Followup –

  2. I do agree a original vampire mummy werewolf and swamp monster are better choices then licensing but with Frankensteins monster its not as easy to replacate as the others so i think a killer paragraph for franky would be cool

  3. That predator portrait looks… extremely fake. The discolouration alone is a clear defining factor. Plus, other portraits are usually looking atleast somewhat forward and the predator is looking up and to the side thus making it stand out. I highly doubt that predator leak is real.


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