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It’s the performance of a lifetime.
On July 5th, look out for more details about Nicolas Cage’s arrival in The Fog.
Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer action/horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As Survivors your goal is to work together to evade, escape, and most importantly – stay alive.
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LOL! as if DbD didn't jump the shark with Knight or even with the release of Cxntress… lame game getting lamer. JULY 5TH
I hope there's a Nic Cage Skin from Mandy (2018) that'd be sic
This has the potential to be epic and hilarious at the same time. Think of the memes!
Ghost rider chasing us
This is great, I always wanted to see celebrities appear on this game ever since I started playing it. I think the next celebrities that should come in would be Karl Urban, Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel, Tom Holland, Tom Cruise, Robert Downy Jr., Mark Hamil, Keanu Reeves, Bruce Campbell, Samuel L Jackson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Drew Barrymore, Uma Thurman, Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez, Bridgette Wilson, Jennifer Lopez, Lindsay Lohan, and Harrison Ford.
Excellent <3
OMG icant believe this my favortei pornnstar actyoir is ins dead by daylight
I be more surprised if they did a fnaf crossover
so… i totally thought this was a parody or joke…. wtf xD I can't believe I'm more surprised that this is REAL than it is happening
I'm ready, ready for the big ride baby
Now we get Ghostrider as a killer!
Please please please make the slap of god morri
I want him to be a killer and his Mori is the Slap of God
Plot twist Nicolas Cage is being added as a killer AND survivor
lmao ok instead of some unique killer concept and a original survivor you rather pay sht load of money to some hollywood guy. DBD is going down the drain since knight.
He could very well be a killer. Like when he goes on an insane murder spree at the ending of MANDY, with his crazy ass looking sword thing
I really hope they do the "nick cage is everyone" meme
Do we need second Ace in the game?!
This is the last thing I was expecting to see from the new chapter but ok I love it
Maaaan I hope they go for a ghost rider killer next it'd definetly bring me back to the game🥲
his screams would be the most funniest will ever
Dbd thank you so much for this birthday gift
Haven't played this game in three years but I must admit this is the first trailer since 2020 that I've actually watched.
I hope he has a perk called “The unbearable weight of massive talent”.
Terrible missed opportunity if he doesn’t.
si sale la skin de Nicolas Cage en Con Air me van a explotar los pezones
This is why… Nicolas Cage… Is a national treasure.
I come here because of meme 😂😂😂
o kurwa
Nicolas cage is the entity
Nicolas Cage will be both a Killer and Survivor. Also he needs have bees as one of his attacks, traps or mori, he can never have enough bees
Best killer you'll ever get
Happy Birthday to me