Dead By Daylight| Perk overhaul coming! The META is going to get shook!

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On their 6th Anniversary livestream, Dead By Daylight laid out their plans for the future on how they plan to change overhaul about 40 perks this Summer! They talked about shifting the META (Most Effective Tactics Available) for both killer and survivor! Let’s read through the blog post of the official website on how this is going to work.

Are you afraid for the comfort of your META build? Are you looking forward to more variety in matches as a result of these changes? What do you think about this proposal? Let me know!

Here’s the link to the blogpost if you want to read about it yourself:

Thanks for watching!

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24 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight| Perk overhaul coming! The META is going to get shook!”

  1. I dont know if it sounds good or something but this is just my opinion

    As a killer main i just want to see something changing about pallets… they should not nerve DH or DS i dont care but 9/10 times a dead hard or DS is not a second chance perk anymore but a 5 to 6 chance perk because of pallets/TL loops. Imo if lets say you have 4 people bringing Deadhard there should be 2 to 4 pallets less on the map if they also bring DS there should again be 2 to 4 less pallets on the map. If your full party brings DS/DH thats 4 to 8 pallets less.

    As a killer im more scared of what survivors are gonna do to me then survivors being scared of who the killer is. This is the reason why i like playing or playing against a nurse if survivors hear the nurse blinking for the first time they actually get "scared" because if its a good nurse they now the game is probably not in there favor. If i see for example a ghost face if 1 survivors actually "hunts" the killer and keeps him out of stealth forever then ghostface is worthless.

  2. Im not gonna lie, I KINDA hope they remove the BP from BBQ, which sounds insane but hear me out.

    If they are already going to heavily reduce the grind, I don't want to have to run BBQ just to make the already reduced grind shorter, most people run BBQ due to the bloodpoint bonus but if that was absent we could see more diverse builds, on top of this I think there should be a bloodpoint bonus for hooking each survivor one time as a BASEKIT FEATURE as it would help promote killers to not tunnel as much with a bloodpoint multiplier as incentive, combine this with making BT/DS basekit and reworking both perks, and make facecamping not viable by using a certain perk that already exist in the game that should be basekit as well anyway called Kinship, and that is that problem somewhat addressed. Of course this is just a fraction of the things that need changing in this game and frankly I feel like NONE of this is ever going to happen, but hey I can at least DREAM that they will fix their game.

  3. With how much Killers complain about Circle of Healing, it's considerably lower than you would think. With the time it takes to find a totem that hasn't been broken, booning it, and having it be able to be kicked out, it's no wonder people don't run it that often so maybe killers can stop complaining because I've seen them get 3/4k constantly with people running it

  4. i refuse using dead hard, i dont even like the perk since the beginning xD'
    but i use borrowed time on nearly every survivor
    and self care being used so often is surprising and not surprising on the same time
    i think self care is a solid perk and can be used in an efficient way (the one problem is the "run to the other side of the map to heal"-stigma ^^')

  5. Boons aren't even on there lul. But they killed the game though huh. I've stopped playing dbd cause every killer has the same build and it just got so repetitive and boring.

  6. I really hope they only nerf the meta perks and the rest are buffs to less used perks. I knew dead hard was common but in 75% of loads? Makes me wonder why they didn't touch that one sooner. I am super concerned for their interpretation of why perks are so valued though. Like will BBQ get turned into pre buff WGLF and have no value but BP gain? Will DS and BT get gutted so tunnelling is always optimal, with zero risk?

  7. my reason for self-care is solo Q's. it's always in my builds because most teammates run after unhooking, or i use self-care on moments when two people are in the basement and one person is keeping the killer busy nearby.. kept me alive more times than not

  8. I would have prefer to have a second game mode with meta perks ban/ random loadout to resolve this problem. I'm quite sad with the idea of loosing all the meta perks that are in dbd right now

  9. I'm so excited for the new changes we are going to see. I'm sick of playing the metas I want to play with other perks but it feels pointless to as of right now because everyone else runs the meta's. I just hope they don't get rid of the bp increase on barbeque I want my bloodpoints. I rather them take off the ability to see people then loose bp increase but that's just me.

  10. Hmm I really am thinking that Self-Care shouldn't be up there, its not much of a threat, I honestly don't see it all that much. Expect when there is a hackers, because hackers love to use Selfcare. So kind of weird.

  11. Not sure how I feel about some of these perks getting nerfed. As much as “meta” sucks at higher levels. A meta exists because of other external factors of the game/match. Against a competent team of survivors you can lose 2-3 generators in your first or second chase. This isn’t DBD in 2016 anymore, many people know how to loop and efficiently play the game. Stack 4 people with similar skill level and 16 unique or meta perks vs the killer, killer is outmatched. It’s no mystery that the longer time a killer has, the more likely they are to win. Which is why corrupt is so popular because it “slows the game down.” The biggest issue as killer is most games FLY through, so they need the game to go slower. So it’ll be interesting to see what changes come forward, my only worry is I feel they’re gonna try to forcibly “shake the meta” and it’s going to make matches more frustrating and less fun all around. But I hope I’m wrong, cause I love this game.

  12. I guess a way to nerf DH can be to require you to take a protection hit before you're able to use it or have the exhaustion timer pause when hooked and resume when unhooked instead of getting rid of the exhaustion entirely.

  13. Don't mess with my BBQ and Chili too much. Thems my bloodpoints and those is fightin' words! You wanna alter the aura reading a smidge, fine, but it isn't like BBQ and Chili doesn't reward you for hooking everyone thus promoting more fair gameplay, so I don't think it needs much done to it. As for survivor perks, I only use Decisive off the list these days, We're Gonna Live Forever, Prove Thyself, Deliverance, and Decisive Strike is the greedy man's bloodpoint build, and Decisive already got over-nerfed in my opinion, so what more can you do with it? I'm almost afraid to know. Much Love Paulie, and as for you BHVR, I'ma watchin' you!!


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