Dead by Daylight – Pizza Tower – Fake Peppino

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Had fun with this one! Hope you like it

Pizza Tower – Tour De Pizza
Dead by Daylight – BEhavior Games
The music and art are all originally composed by me
This is a fan project.

Distant 0:35
Approaching 1:15
Near 1:58
Chase 2:22


38 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight – Pizza Tower – Fake Peppino”

  1. Fake Peppino was not a willing worker, much like in the tower, he was tool. It could remember what it was like, the sun, the wind, the freedom, all of it gone, again, now it was back inside. It wanted to out, but all it could get was memories, acquired only through appeasement.

  2. Chapter's Name:The Real Deal?

    Killer:The Fake Chef

    Tall Killer

    Terror Radius:40m

    Map:Peppino's Pizza 2

    Backstory:After being defeated in the tower that got destroyed time later by the one he idolized, the faker saw how his eternal prison yet his only home was destroyed without second thoughts. This caused him what seemed like "Numb Rage", destroying most that was left of the Pizza Tower near him.

    This catched The Entity's attention besides that "It"s body wasn't like anything he had seen before;melting itself on demand, being able to create clones and morph himself into whatever monstrosity it could think of, thus he sended him to the trials to bring agony to the survivors.

    The survivors never had it clear if this… "Thing"s actions were without reason, he didn't know what he was doing, or under that blank smile he was aware off the dread and agony he is causing.
    One thing is certain to them:His killing time is like his pizza time, and
    P I Z Z A T I M E N E V E R E N D S

    Ability:Pizza Time Never Ends

    Mach Attack:Pressing the Ability Button will make Fake Peppino burst into a quick Dash that will destroy any Pallets, Walls and will damage survivors for a health state, if downed Fake Peppino will automatically pick them up, however when he starts the dash he can't turn around unless he presses the Secondary Ability Button which will leave him standing still for a second. After that the player must look in a direction and press the Main Ability Button again to run in that direction. Pressing the Secondary Ability Button will cause him to run slightly a bit in front of him and turn around again, being able to choose another time. If the player presses nothing or the Basic Attack Button, Fake Peppino will stop charging, leaving the ability in cooldown. Fake Peppino will only dash for 2 seconds, but if you hold the button, he can keep charging for until 7 seconds, then he comes to a stop, leaving the ability on cooldown (Switching sides doesn't use time)
    During the dash he gains Oblivious until the end of it.
    (Oblivious: Can't see the aura of Generators in the map until the effect wears off)

    Super Jump:If you hold the Secondary Ability Button for 2 seconds, then release it at any time after those 2 seconds, the faker will jump high into the sky, being able to jump to the second floor of the main buildings. Upon landing, he will splatter into the ground, making parts of him fly in a slightly small AOE radius around him.
    If a survivor hits the parts of the ripoff, they get injured for a health point, but if someone is unlucky enough to be standing in the spot where Fake Peppino lands, they will instantly get downed even if they were not injured.

    The Faker's Faker:The doppelganger has a reserve of three other clones of himself that are displayed as a number in the top right of the Ability Portrait. pressing the Secondary Ability Button without using the Dash will cause Fake Peppino to let out a blob of his body that, upon hitting the ground, turns into a Fake Peppino Clone which can be distinguished from the actual Fake Peppino by the fact that this Clone has Grey Clothes instead of the White Chef Clothes the killer has. After being spawned, the clone will run around in a 10 Meter radius from where it was spawned, letting out a loud scream when a survivor gets spotted by it, alerting everyone from the location of said survivor similar to a Generator exploding via failed skillcheck. After that survivor get spotted, the clone will run at the speed of a Fake Peppino Charge, if it misses with his dash in his intent of attacking the survivor, it will dash at him again, up to 3 times, destroying any pallets or walls, automatically vaulting through windows slightly faster than the speed of a survivor sprint vaulting a window and he will still charge all the times he needs to. If he hits a survivor, he injures them for one health state. If a pallet is dropped right on top of him, finishes his 3 charges or charging a survivor,then this clone melts, rendering it unable to do anything and dissapearing, going back into the three clone reserve Fake Peppino has.

    That's it for now, im still thinking about Add-Ons, Perks, Intro, Hit, and Mori Animations, I'd like to hear your ideas for these two and what do you think of this concept

  3. I really like how the main Pizza Time melody takes a back seat in this because, from the survivor's POV, you're just a normal person. You can't run as fast as Peppino naturally, or Fake Peppino for that matter.

  4. Killer name: Pizza Maker
    History: (I know nothing about the lore but I’ll try to get it close) Fake Papinno was a abomination created to kill Papinno. While waiting, he thought he could make his own pizzas, but no matter how hard he tried nothing worked. He screamed and threw fits of rage every time he failed, making him grow more insane to make the perfect pizza. He heard rumors of Papinno in a area only “survivors” and “killers” go to. So Fake Papinno grabbed his supplies and headed, training to kill using the blood of those in the tower as his secret sauce
    Power name: Delightful creations
    Description: Around the map, pizza toppings are scattered around. If Fake Papinno gets an ingredient, he can head to randomly placed ovens. After a certain amount of time, a copy of him will be on stand-by from the oven. If interacted with, the copy will dash in one direction fast, until they hit a wall or spot a survivor. If the copy finds a survivor, they will scream and reveal the found’s aura for a base value of 3 seconds. If the copy hits a wall, they will splatter, and the wall becomes morphable. Morphable walls can be walked through by Fake Papinno with a small speed delay as he morphes through. If a survivor finds a Ingredient, they can eat the food, healing a survivor half way with a bar. If at full health, can be thrown to create souls alert to the killer.
    Perk 1: Mistake Rage
    Description: When you fail, you tend to get very mad. If you carry a survivor and can’t hook them, you make angry noises as you gain a speed increase for 5/10/15 seconds.
    Perk 2: Blood in the Sauce
    Description: You love using what’s around you to make your perfect food, no matter how much they scream. If you hit a survivor, you gain one stack of blood. Once at max stacks of 5/4/3, your next hit will block the survivor’s screen with red sauce partially, and give them reduce speed at the cost the hit takes longer to recover from. Pallet stuns make you lose one stack of blood.
    Perk 3: Better than the Original
    Description: You know your better and everyone must awknolege it. When you hook a survivor, you make survivors within a 10/20/30 meter (I don’t know the ranges well but know it’s semi-code but not far enough to get seen by BBQ and Chili) will scream, revealing their locations to you.
    Map: The Pizza Tower.
    Description: A tower of many twists and turns, one that has many residence but the layout changes all the time. This map will have multiple layers, each with different aesthetics, and occasionally will change randomly. The floor that will change will be shown in each floor, making sure to give warning so no one gets hurt while the floor changes. You can still go in as it changes, but it could easily trap you or help you. On the top of the tower there is a lazer. Once all gens are done, for a fun Easter egg, you can activate the tower, as it will sync with the endgame. Once still in the map when endgame ends, instead of the entity killing you, the tower will blow up in bright green flash.
    Mori: Fake Papinno grabs a survivor and shoved them into a oven, as he cooks them alive. After a while they will die, as Fake Papinno puts their blood in his pizza and a clone comes out, only to melt immediately afterwords.

  5. (Inspired by tacos4sale134's comment)
    Killer: The Faker
    Power: Made From Dough
    Map: Peppino's Abandoned Pizza.
    Perks: Impatience, Resemblance, Run Through

    MADE FROM DOUGH: The Killer is Made of Dough, Allowing him to do a lot of things.
    Puddling: The Killer can turn into a puddle, Significantly Increasing his movement speed, Takes time to enter and exit. The Killer cannot damage survivors during Puddling.
    Silent Drip: The killer becomes undetectable, deactivates when in the view of survivors.
    Deathly Dash: Can only be activated when in Silent Drip. The killer rushes forward, dealing damage. Killer's movement speed is decreased after dashing.

    Impatience: When in chase for 15/12/10 seconds, Do 1.5x damage. Resets timer after hitting the survivor.
    Resemblance: The obsession looks too much like Peppino. Deal 1.2x/1.3x/1.5x damage to the obsession. Does not stack with Impatience. The killer can only have one obsession.
    Run Through: The Killer can haul over obstacles 2x quicker, Decreases The Killers movement speed by 0.5x for 20/15/10 seconds after hauling a obstacle.

    Description: After his defeat in the tower, He desperately wanted to kill Peppino. He had no idea where Peppino went though, as his Pizza Place went into Bankruptcy after The Fakers' defeat in the tower. The Entity eventually tricked him into thinking that the survivors were Peppino. But The Faker had his doubts, only did he think that a survivor WAS Peppino due to how they looked. He will stop at nothing to kill the survivors.

    Terror Radius: 35m.

    What the map looks like: a dark, large rectangular building with lanterns as the only light source. Cobwebs are nearly everywhere. There is a basement, which is pretty large with a hook and a generator. There is a generator in the back, in the basement, behind the counter, in a hidden room, and in the kitchen.

    Weapon: Pizza Cutter
    Special Kill: Good Toppin. The killer puts the survivor onto a pizza, which is then sloppily put into a oven. The killer watches it cook, and after it's done, The killer eats the pizza.

  6. I like the idea that the terror radius also shifts feppi’s body, like when he’s distant to approaching he looks like normal peppino but when he’s near you can see the grotesque flesh starting to seep through the bloated body of lies and deceit

  7. Its here somewhere footsteps approach oh god it found me sprint ing away from it huff huff i lost it a sticky sound can be heard gulp i turn around 2 white orbs lock eyes with me on my eye level before levitating above me i turn back around and run NOOOO PLEASE i feel it moving no ple- i ran into something no it smiles then opens its mouth as it reveals its turn form then consumes me NOOOO-

  8. I'll be honest, what worries me is not the perks it may have… well, maybe a little, yes, but what would worry me the most would be its speed. Obviously it won't be the same as the game, but it is very clear that the speed it will have would be the highest among the other characters and that is without counting if they give him a load similar to that of the game where if he catches someone in a straight line and attacks them he has a small probability of knocking them down.


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