Dead by Daylight Q&A breakdown! Boon OP, MMR, Grind changes & MORE!

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Dead by Daylight Q&A breakdown! Boon OP, MMR, Grind changes & MORE!

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Hi guys! I’m MrGimms! I’m an Australian YouTube Partner living in England, streaming a variety of different games. Most known for playing Dead by Daylight!

📜Schedule – I stream MONDAY to FRIDAY 4PM – 8PM BST U.K time.
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About Dead by Daylight:
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer, your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As a Survivor, your goal is to escape and avoid being caught and killed.


46 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight Q&A breakdown! Boon OP, MMR, Grind changes & MORE!”

  1. I've definitely had players sandbag me then tell me it's my fault cause I'm rank 4 so I suck while they're rank 2 so they must be better. I would love to see my score but dbd is definitely overflowing with elitism

  2. Console needs graphics settings, this company is a fan of giving its players no options if they can get away with it.
    Idk why they even released console besides the fact it makes more money for them and nothing else

  3. "We don't want players to be toxic because someone's rank is lower than theirs."
    Meanwhile DbD playerbase being toxic to others because of: hours player (Devotion rank / hours on Steam), Grade level, perks equipped, characters played, cosmetics owned, points at the end of the match…
    Just accept that your playerbase is a bunch of toxic assholes, Behaviour. Toxicity is not a reason to hide game mechanics from your players and if anything that only encourages more toxicity.

  4. Ik it can’t be done, but I wish I could filter out what killers I don’t want to play against. Today I went up against in this order
    Like are you serious? That makes it super boring. Just my opinion tho

  5. Honestly, just let people see their MMR and don't show it to others in Public Matches. Anyone can say they are high MMR, people already have their egos inflated thinking their MMR is maxed out, it won't harm anything to let someone know what kinds of matches their getting into.

  6. Hate mmr on both sides. As survivor I get random who can't loop, waste pallets, hide and do nothing all game or Entitled DC for stupid reason yet I get punished. As killer I go against survivors who can't loop but the perks/map offering, pallet hits favor survivors more where they don't get injured yet they can rush gens or hide all game. We need new devs

  7. Most of the questions were actually really good and worth knowing. Excited to see the "prestige rework" and grind changes. MMR is still a shit show and I feel like it should just go. Boons are gonna still be a big problem because it completely trumps hexes. Eager to see Legion and Ghostface changes. Overall its looking alright.

  8. its all about them having fun they dont care about killers stress levels whatsoever. all they acknowledge about is the survivors getting tunneled but then promote killer tunneling with a 1v1 win basis.

  9. I've stopped playing dbd and got burnt on out real quick. I was a rank 3 killer and very very tired of getting nothing but sweaty SWF lobbies, same meta perks, map offerings, bugs, purple med-kits with septic agent and syringes add-ons every game I played as killer, etc… even with tweaking with the boon totems it's still op against killer. Their main focus is pushing chapters and expensive cosmetics, fixing things here and there. Like a interview matthew cote said "we need to monetize". That saying went over alot of viewers heads. Dbd is going on a downward spiral especially with sbmm. Queue times for killers is ridiculous. Good job on your first day on twitch. Great content man.

  10. Just got out of my first match of the day and that’s all it took for me to stop today… Nemesis tunneled soo hard off hook to get his 4K! 🤦🏽‍♂️ now why did BHVR have to go mention the “win condition” is only kills and surviving…. Fuck!

  11. I feel like sbmm could work in DBD, if it was actually balanced. If they really want DBD to be competitive and have a SBMM system, than what I think they should do right now is disable it and go back to the old system. While it’s down, they take time to look at the overall health of the game and balance what needs it and actually test it. Only then might it actually work for this game. Also, i agree with it should look at more than just kills and escapes. It’s a poor way to determine someone’s skill at this game. The irony of the dev describing a scene where he kept the killer busy and did so many things in a match just to die and have it count as a loss…

  12. They already have a good mmr system in the game that they could implement:

    If the mmr was based on how much Bloodpoints you earned throughout the match, you’d get rewarded for how well you played all the time. Sure, getting tunnelled or camped would tank that but it doesn’t happen every match and generally it would be a way better system than what we have.

  13. They upped the time to bless a totem to 24 seconds but left it so killer can snuff them in 1.5 seconds? I understand killers need as much time as they can get but… you might as well bring Self Care. At least with Self Care you can heal wherever and whenever for about the same time it takes to bless and heal. Only thing that was broken about the perk was the potential 400% healing speed it can induce but they’ve now rectified that. The reduced distance I think is fair, it’s the same as anything else, bbq&chili range, killer terror radius, etc. The incompetence on win conditions the devs talked about is not really surprising to me either. It’s the same people who designed and implemented key and hatch changes the community already thought of a long time ago.

  14. So the big question I would like to know is, when do you officially draw the line and leave the game FOR GOOD? Cause at this point it’s over, it’s all downhill from here for dbd.

  15. Alot of people seem quiet upset about the comments they've made about mmr, but it's not like we didn't already know the system is shit, atleast they admitted it.

  16. BHVR is completly Looney at this point. I no longer expect anything from them at all. DbD is as it is and that's that. No point in discussing the why's, the how's and the when's. Ignore that, play and do what you want. The results don't matter. This is DbD.

  17. I think the idea with boon totems is the carrot and the stick. The point of totems was always for totems to be a side objective for survivors, but for whatever reason they never wanted to make them mandatory (which btw is dumb, they should be mandatory). Noed was supposed to be the stick (as well as other hexes to a lesser extent). Boon totems are the carrot.

    Not saying its implemented well, i guess we'll see, the stacking really needed to go for sure. I dont like the infinite blessing, but its possible for a survivor to throw if theyre spending a lot of time reblessing totems (probably).

    Anyway, at least they did something to fix it, we'll see how broken it is pretty quick

  18. That moment.. That a old game like Resident Evil Outbreak File1 ( and 2 ) .. Had keyboard and mouse support on the console.. ( Oddly, Operation Racoon City had keyboard support as well but not mouse support. Console version I am talking about of course. PC version had any/all. Too bad it was 100% abandoned and not switched from windows live to steam's mp. Otherwise I know quite a few would play it.. Some have found ways to play it as is but its a pain to do. )


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