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This was a really tough Trapper match! Enjoy this gameplay commentary as the Trapper in Dead by Daylight from my recent Twitch livestream!
Dead by Daylight
Twitch Channel
#DBD #intothefog
tat you’re so cute
Fun Trapper fact: Pyramid Head moves at 4.4 m/s while using Rites of Judgement.
legion fact: did you know that the killer in this video isn't legion
Legion Fact: Did you know that it would take 38788 metric tons of bananas to make a nuclear bomb.
Legion fact: Frank uses the white Norimaki 750 shoes from Splatoon on the Never Stop Slashing outfit
Legion Fact: Deez nuts
Trapper fact: you can place bear traps around the map to trap survivors
the legion
Trapper Fact! You gotta bring corrupt intervention.
Legion Fact: Did you know, unlike trapper, legion cannot put bear traps on the map to trap survivors. Legions has the SPECIAL POWER called Feral Frenzy. Instead you trap survivors with it by putting them in the Deep Wounds state.
Legion fact: The perk "Jolt" used to be named "Surge"
Trapper Fact: Did you know the Trapper was named Evan?