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Ngl i love this energy, "I didn't start anything, but im gonna damn well finish what you started"
I just want to match up with Jay as my killer one time…just one!! I would be hype if he hit me on hook🤣🤣.
whats up jay? Nice video. I did just wanna come atleast give my side. The subtweet you're referencing was never about you supporting me on twitch. I was simply reachin out when you were tweeting bout needing people and bein a good friend, but you'd leave me on read and all sorts of shit. Which is fine, Im nobody that you gotta answer to. But then when I saw you tweeting almost every day complaining bout ppl not bein real friends and ppl dont talk to you less you hit'em up. I simply tweeted you're complaining but doing that same behavior to other people in your life. That was my only issue wit you. I wasn't even mad you tunneled me. I saw it was you and laughed. I never got mad over some tweets, and you not wantin to talk to me was always fine wit me. Never held nothin against you. That tweet after this match was cuz its true. You wouldn't even respond to me in end game chat and I simply said gg was nice seeing you in game. Cuz Im gonna hold a grudge over what? Tweets? So you did seem really mad and honestly miserable when I watched you play that round. I didn't get why so serious over it all. Either way…still gg! And shit happens! is what it is I guess.
Salt never ends it happens in VHS too but instead of it towards the killer its always towards teens I can say that because i play VHS as a teen alot
these people are 12 year olds
I have a friend who knew this person and she did the same thing to him. I got banned from her twitch chat because I commented Justice4(Myfriendsname) and she got triggered and went on an entitled rant about how he didn’t sub to her this month her rage was over him no longer giving her money because he wasn’t in a place to be able to and instead of being a good friend and being understanding she complained about it and made a subtweet 😂
I’d love to see these survivors who cry tunneling watch horror movies. They’d be like “whys the killer tunneling the person they just got away?!”
I know I’m just some random commenter but man I love your videos Jay thanks for being such a chill youtuber
you keep on exposing and embarrassing all of the entitled salty survivors, keep on you legend
This is a good first video ☺️
I had a mikaela killing herself at the beginning of the game because I was playing plague, that's when I saw i need to quit this game because people cry too much.
Jay be exposing bitches. 😂
Leave jay alone cuz just be chilling
Lmao and that's how an antihero was born. Jay you're a savage give them hell 👏
that pallet stun transition 😩😩
Good old Salt diaries always make me laugh
Bro she was being a mad salty keyboard warrior she chould of just went to the next match but nope
4:15 There are a lot of streamers i rlly like, but ive found myself unable to ever complete a stream, I just don’t have the attention span for a live stream as someone who has adhd and autism. Most of the time I can only handle about 5 minutes
The thing I find most interesting about these type of people either in this game or any other they play is that they’re children who failed to grow up.
(Also been enjoying the salt diaries)
Maybe my boi is such a salt magnet because he crushes entitled survivor egos with perks that aren't meta and non iri add ons
U know what it's time it's time that we start showing the entitlement survivors what happens when u can't realize the problem u all have caused and started over a 6 years old game that's been here and it's still and always will be the same and weirdly stuff survivors say LETS GO
It's amazing how certain people are wholesome as a ttv yes they may talk trash but it's not like they really mean it I mean like there are some actually TTV that be going crazy and saying the most interesting yet horrible things over this game this game in particular cause there like no other games where u would see someone be this upset at a video game like I said 6 years this game and the salt and entitlement still happening and it's always hilarious too see what they half too say even over simple and small things will just Trigger them too just be mad
How can certain ttv be shown how they act or cry about a game and there people watching u and like they feel like they want too say something too u but since your the streamer and if the chat tries too say something too u it's like if they say anything u might just go off on them for supporting the other person people may watch u but they might not agree with u but they don't want too say it they try doing it a nice calming way or they just stay quiet
Like ur streaming and u want too be heard heck even have more followers but like after this u say this too someone after they try too help u grow tsk tsk tsk tsk that's just hurtful
15:16 victim mentality
Why u tunnel the meg
Why tunnel
She didn't even do anything wrong
Bruh he knows she didn't do anything wrong he was being chill but he wasn't getting any kills so he had too start strategies too tunnel someone out so he can at least have a kill
15:35–15:40 LIKE HOLY CRAP SURVIVORS U HAVE THESE PERKS TO PREVENT UR CAMP TUNNEL YET ITS STILL NOT ENOUGH FOR U yes killers know this but half the time they will still go for u just cause they can
16:00–17:00 no they aren't saying anything cause it's what u want for them too say something but ur not explaining ur logic ur just saying camp and tunnel why do this why do that like ur not thinking about why killers do this u only care about ur own fun as a survivor no fun for killers even if they try too be chill
How can anyone process the words survivor be saying half the time like how
17:35–18:05 like seriously how can Survivors not even answer killers questions on things but they expect an answer from the killers like how is that fair uh like WTH and u my ttv u started this like u think Jay just going let that slide lol all u should've said was gg and moved on but no we couldn't cause this person decided too say this
19:00–20:45 and so u want too make someone be a bad guy ok well now we shall see how it feels too be a bad guy notice he would be er do this but screw it let's go ahead and try this out
20:45–22:00 oh so this is how u be playing the game wow Well this video last year and we see this and u saying gg ez now just what are trying to accomplish here I can't imagine how ur chat could be wishing to say something but u might yell at them for speaking Truth about how ur acting buddy I'm sorry for anyone that is following this person like seriously and again
killers are supposed too kill survivors however they like if ur not getting chase or anything shut up and do your gens survivors so u can escape and survive
24:20 we would expect them too say at least ggwp without all this but then again u don't have to say anything cause mostly half the time we would assume u not have pc to say anything or u just left and was mad or just left cause u can't chat with pc endgame
25:55 why did killers tunnel and not go for u well why is that maybe cause killers can play however they want I mean I'd I want too get chase u can get off the gens and not try to escape and help ur teammates from getting tunnel out the game cause it's so bad for killers too do so and u for cause the more survivors that are getting hooked injured down and u just doing gens not trying to bodyblocking take hits or trade hooks for the other survivors too have a chance maybe cause ur not being good survivors by taking one for the teams
26:25–27:07 so heres the deal survivors who wants to do this and give Jay the bad guy now well keep it up and this might happen I mean hey again he never did this kind of stuff but it's like u now want him too start doing it cause u think it's good too attack Jay for no reason like all u had too do was say gg and move on or just don't say anything and move on so it's now on for any entitlement survivors
Ngl, I can totally relate. I played Bubba a day ago. I hooked a survivor and downed one near the hook and someone came into my Dm's complaining about me camping and slugging calling me boring. Wtf? I wouldn't be stupid to pick the survivor and give up a hook. Survivors don't understand killer math. 2 survivors downed = one on gen, one gotta save
OMG!! TUNNELING!? such a crime should not go unnoticed! I'm sorry jay but you have violated code 420-69 section B In the survivor handbook sir! the consequences for these actions result in immediate cancellation….The Pussy Patrol are on their way to take you away GOOD DAY TO YOU SIR!!
I’m in the vid y’all! I’m the plug! ☺️
honestly not even a ttv and after a game I said gg and they blew up at me after I just went after him it's so dumb
Beef is when I see you guaranteed to be an ICU
Just want to say I love your videos, you are super fun to watch play the game & the best at calling out salt. Everyone else is too nice, you giving them the energy they give you without getting tilted yourself is exactly what they need. Plus, it’s good you don’t hide the names. They are the type of people who really need to be put in their place. People with attitudes like that, victim mentality like you mentioned, need a hard reality check, they need to be called out. Anywho, keep doin the lord’s work in DBD, the community appreciates your service! 😂❤️
Imagine you sub-tweeted them and they're gonna say you're starting shit LOL
Honestly, I'm a survivor main, games are iffy; some are good some are bad, but I've played killer before; and the games are stressful.
I'm gonna say it like this, it depends on the map and the killer you play. for example, Hillbilly on Preschool (using a old video of yours <3). Not to mention palettes on certain maps and infinite loops that are tedious.
Survivors have: Second chance perks, palettes, disgusting loops, very small but blendable costumes, flashlights and all that other stuff.
Killers have: Gen perks, Hex perks (that can be taken away and never revived even with Pentimento if survivors cleanse it again), their powers (which sometimes don't help much), mostly very little and DBD tends to rob killers on certain hits.
Survivors tend to bully killers then when they get killed (and hit on hook or head nod and shakes) there comes the insults. Survivors should expect BM if they do it in return, including tunnels and slugs (which can help in situations.) . It's stupid to argue about in the end.
When Survivors lose they cut deep and be petty, even personal insults or hate dox even slurs because the Killer clutched up and killed them or they did something stupid and died, even if their team mate did something stupid the killer is taunted because they didn't let them go.
I'll be honest, when I usually play killer I tend to slug in certain situations or tunnel, because in the end I'm also trying to win and having survivors in your face tea bagging and clicking at you it gets frustrating and it gets to your head so you start to make bad plays (because of the stress.) But I don't think survivors know that giving BM also grants BM from the killer.
Ranting out of my ass, but Entitled survivors are hypocrites and never play Killer to understand how stressful and draining it can be, even with salt messages, it makes you not want to play the game anymore.
P.S. Love you TUR Jay <3
They should delete the game
Imma start rolling up some survivor salt and smoke it up just to celebrate the salt diaries returning. 🎉
Also that transition at 9:45 was 🔥 clean
This was some funny shit lol
The editing in this video is insanely good, good job Jay!
Also the entitlement to get mad that somebody isn't coming to your stream, oh my.
Not everyone can always make every single stream nor are they required to join every single stream. People have other things going on.
love how he got some good cannabis while talking about entitled survivors. i can’t wait to get big on this mf, these duo streams gone be lit boa
Bonnet chronicles
the real horror in dbd is after the match is over
I respect the blurring out the megs name but uhh… you could see her name for a few seconds in the video cuz the blurring just disappeared
oh man, these coming back reminds me of an exchange that happened a few days ago; a pinhead was at 3 gens popped, 2 hooks, got a down and started camping. valid, he's at a defecit, but HE got mad at ME when I stood some distance away, nodded then the randoms showed up and helped me save and we ended up getting a 4-out. I messaged the killer and said "oh you didn't know? david's nod is like future sight from pokemon, it hits a lil bit later 💀 ggs" and he sent me like 4 paragraphs calling me angry and being overall just stuck-up. I really have no idea what the start of this is between Killers getting mad their camp doesn't work or them just dealing w salty survivors so often they expect every message to be rude. game is tragic as fuck rn
I love how for a majority of the video you can see the smoke from his blunt rising up bc all these wack ass goofy ass entitled surv mains make a sober brain hurt like a mf 💀
They are SURVIVORS. They are supposed to be YOUR VICTIMS. They literally paid to play the games to be survivors, so they are perfectly in-character roleplaying a victim mentality. The real issue here is that, like survivors in horror movies, they make stupid mistakes and get themselves killed and instantly pikachu face. You're in the right to play the game how you want because they're going to do the same right back.
Personally I think you should get you a jar of salt and when they start crying in post game chat while you're streaming just sprinkle a pinch of it like salt bae.
Ngl I used to think you were a complainer but after a couple of years of playing DBD, I must offer my humblest of apologies. People out here literally trying to tell others how to play games that they paid for.
TUR Jay here is my super salty opinion about your gameplay style
[aggressively punching keys on keyboard while breathing loudly and screaming in rage]
Just kidding!!!!
[chuckling like an idiot while typing this out]
🤣😂🤣 yep, this is as salty as I will get 🤣😂🤣