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With a lot of new perks being changed in Dead by Daylight we now have access to some more unique builds and this Chucky build plays with the new leverage and genetic limits to heavily punish survivors!
I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Chucky Gameplay!
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I’m pretty that’s a bug on chuckys new weapon, cause I’ve seen that before
That skin is wild, I wasn’t expecting a Blighted variant for old chuck
So early! Thanks for the vid Red!!
hex pentimento, cluaraphobia in addition to leverage, gift of pain on wesker or someone who can take real advantage of no heals sounds fun lol
Sick! Blight+childs play 2 skin
Damnit Red, I was just about to go to sleep so I can ride out this storm and stop wasting my phone battery since power is out here in fl…..😅
Sneaky Speedy Hag:
Add-ons: Waterlogged Shoe, Granma's Heart
Perks: Furtive Chase, Rapid Brutality, Machine Learning, Unforeseen (or Trail of Torment)
Ideal Cosmetic (Optional): Crusty Dreadlock (Head), Withered Flesh (Body), Ashen Claw (Weapon). All 3 are parts of the "Splintered" Base Hag recolor set to give her the darkest coloring available.
Hag with Waterlogged Shoe has 117.5% movement speed, which already gives her the fastest base movement speed of any killer, Combined with the Boosts gained from RB, ML, and FC, she ends chases and moves around the map Quickly. Adding in the Stealth gained from FC, ML, and Unforeseen, she also gains frequent Jumpscare potential without having to Teleport. Finally Putting the Granma's Heart addon in play means that any time a survivor anywhere on the map trips a Phantasm Trap, Hag instantly loses her Terror Radius for roughly 5 seconds (maintains her red stain though so keep that in mind), so While she can't Teleport to any of them, Planting them in high traffic areas gives you even more frequent moments of Stealth. Best Played in Dark or Indoor Maps for maximum Stealth/Jumpscare potential.
I've been having a LOT of fun with this build so far, and with the latest update, Machine Learning got a massive buff, which improves the frequency of its activation and the bonus Stealth + Speed that it offers (ML + Waterlogged shoe gives Hag 127.5% Movement Speed + Stealth for 60 seconds per activation). Overall, the build is entirely unexpected by survivors, and while you can't Teleport with it, the Massive speed buffs, and Frequent Undetectable/Stealth periods give her an Ideal Jumpscare presence and much shorter chases. It's just a fun build for the Halloween season.
The downsides the build has are: No Gen Slowdown, No Teleporting.
Worst enemy to the build: Gen Rush SWF with All Toolboxes and Gen Speed Perks (but really, when is that ever NOT the worst enemy for ANY build?).
Regardless of these downsides however, the build + her short stature maintains decent enough map pressure, and puts survivors on edge. Give it a Try, and if you think you can improve upon it with alternate Speed and Stealth Perks, feel free to experiment.
Not the feet on both killers 😂. I payed to win on the pass because I'm just a casual dbd players and the new Dracula is amazing. Going to try and get the deep rift variants without paying, though. I think the knife has flowers on it.
The knife is just the blade stabbed through a pustula plant and the ground pulled out with it. It's really not that hard to tell.
1:42 If I understood right, the Blight serum made the knife literally come out of Chucky, so I think that’s doll stuffing on it? Idk, I’m just saying what I recall reading
Pretty rare for me to go against a Chucky NOT using a Rat Poison Add-On. Is that his best Add-On?
Need some oni gameplay
🔥 video I don’t have the singularity perk any suggestions I should replace?
Gift of Pain Resonance.
I think they were trying to do a pustula flower in the knife but failed….
Red if you want some more good exhaustion you could use amulet and plastic bag. So longer hidey ho which gives more of a chance for them to run through the footfalls for 15 more seconds of exhaustion
You saying your slice and dice wasn't that good this game…tbh hate or love me it's because your taking rat poison relying on the aura reading
Really enjoying your content mate. 👍
The weapon is so damn ugly what is it supposed to be ?
That skin is sick. And chuckys line in the last match's mori: LMFAO.
Genetic Limits + Gift of Pain + Thanatophobia just sounds annoying.
Something cool I noticed they changed is that when playing as Tiffany it would say the good guy in end game screen now it says good gal
Imagine doctor with this build with the madness skill check and coulrophobia
Nice. I was using this build yday on pig except I had enduring instead of pain res. Was really strong.
Great vid Red, love your content, keep 'em coming!
Man when red locks in it’s over😂
Wouldn’t iron will get countered by genetic limits?