Dead by Daylight Singularity PTB – perks

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18 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight Singularity PTB – perks”

  1. So you and the obsession can always move at 110% speed, and if the killer slugs them and you use power of two, you can both run at 115%. Throw in dark theory and you'll be faster than any killer who didn't bring pwf.

  2. Two bad and one normal perks for killer
    Two insane and one bad perk for survivor.
    Every time at the start of videos like this i wonder "should i give it another chance?" and end up with "Lmao, no, fuck that, this game will never change".

  3. Scavanger and made for this are way to strong. I mean this perks giving u such a boost just for diong your normal surv things. I hope the give Scavenger a one time use and mad for this a 3-5%ms buff but just for 20sec duration

  4. THEY ADDED A SEARCH BAR??? That's the first time BHVR has done something smart. The amount of times I have begged for a search bar in the perks and addons is insane. 3 years late, but MAN QOL hits hard.


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