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#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight
Sure isn't any reason to tunnel people if you're trying to spread out that suffering. But I'm sure even if they implemented it.. people would still tunnel due to how fast gens go with efficient survivors. I'm with you tru3. Love the idea of hooks and chases over tunneling and camping. Always have.. tunneling and camping isn't interesting for anyone. It's like that dick on call of duty that camps in one building with a claymore in a corner on team deathmatch.. it's really not that interesting. But the devs will find a way to keep butchering this game.
It makes much more sense. The survivors as a team want to displease and starve the entity as much as possible, so if the one surv is getting onehooked the whole team succeseds. Both teams at the end of the trial see "Entity displeased" but for killer it means losing, for surv – winning. Even if you get tunneled and onehooked you still get the satisfaction of team winning
I think the only way this game gets better is if we all go to the devs house and talk to them.
Let's make them an offer they can't refuse.😅
Pinhead will finally be S tier. I like this idea a lot True , good video.
yea but now because you said that and also because that is a brilliant idea the devs will never put it in the game lol
Can't wait for this to be completely ignored and the game continue to be stale……
Ugh we need this kinda thing implemented ASAP
We want a meta shake up? This is it guys.
They should also add a 6th gen btw
This is a good idea on how to incentivise the killer to go for more hooks/chases etc. The only issue is that the survivors would still be incentivised to do gens and escape asap to lessen their suffering. I think this idea needs a survivor incentive change to work for both sides, maybe the more they get chased the 'braver' they get or something, this could add to their BP count. This would encourage them to engage with the killer more. I.e. if they just did gens and escaped = not many BPs, but if lots of chase time/rescues = alot more BPs.
Even with the current system, if they add a new incentive to survivors apart from gens/escape, it would make the game better for both sides.
Nice idea. Fuck the devs.
Wow, this is a fantastic idea. This would make me love playing killer again. Seeing that this game keeps growing even with a movie spin off, i don’t see them changing a damn thing lol
Awful idea, as a survivor main with no life or skill I think the exit gates should spawn open so I can escape
So killers would never lose then 💀 this idea is so stupid the game does not need to be changed who actually wants this
bless ya tru3. L0rd bless ya
But you are already suffering by playing dbd no mechanic needet
This is definitely a really good idea! It's well thought out, and works with the lore! As you say, it'll help killers feel comfortable enough to go for chases, and hinder tunneling and camping, which we all agree is a boring way to play, but it's where the game has been pushed- It gives good incentive to go for more chases, and the game will generally be fun for all! Killers fun included!
I've always thought your ideas sound quite interesting and fun! Someone needs to sit down with a coffee or tea, with the devs, and in a friendly manner, discuss this really neat idea, haha!
moreover, the more they stay inside the terror radius, the more their debuffs.
i have done gen for 4 years now, i have suffer enough
Sounds pretty good tbh
This is very similar to how Death Garden Blood Harvest was structured. The Hunter could choose to kill a Scavenger (whatever they called them) after they had been downed and recycled once. The Hunter's objective was to gain as much status as possible by playing with their prey essentially. By the end of the games life span Hunters would recycle you upwards of 4 times. So instead of getting points for 5 recycles and 5 kills they would have a score more like 20 recycles and 2 kills, which gave you far more points. The game valued skilled gameplay rather than efficiency in ending a match. So, they may be scared to do something similar due to that games failure, but the reason it failed was it was a direct competitor to DBD a game with a long standing player base and more brand recognition. It's a shame really.
Really doesn’t matter because the devs want to push this game more and more into having survivors win majority of the time. That’s why killer always gets nerfed, eventually they probably will remove the ability to hit survivors so all you can do is chase lol.
Yep. It fits entirely within their own lore too.
OMG that sounds AMAZING like it would actually fix all the camping/ tunneling shit, and give killers incentive to find other survivors so all of them could have some fun chases. Also it would remove the stress around keeping gens alive and the frustration from survivors that just got one hooked and killed without many chases really. AND that actually make sense. I quit this game like 2 years ago because of the shitty balance they did, but if they would change it to that i would gladly come back.
We need BHVR to see this video
They already have a suffering mechanic, it's called spending blood points
Not a bad idea but they already had a more sofisticated win/lose rule set, the Emblem system and they were not really able to ballance around it. Kills and escapes are easy data to gather and ballance around. Not saying its the best data but its practical and I think thats why they centered the game around it.
I think it would also make sense to have an suffering mechanic for the killer; the entity doesn't discriminate, it disposes of the killers who no longer can achieve its goals. So the survivors could have a bonus BP mechanic for things like sabo, flashy saves, pallet stuns, etc. Overall, this system sounds more healthy for the game right now.
One of the best ideas ive heard. Big ups !
I love this. That is an awesome idea 🙂
Omg I mostly play survivor because the current meta for killers is so ass, the suffering mechanic would make me wanna play killer more. I usually just play tombstone myers every now and then.
It's certainly a great idea on paper. Making going for hooks more important, making the game last longer as killer, meaning more chases. You then balance for 8-ish hooks not 2 kills. Killers need incentive to play a certain way, if they win by chasing and hooking more then they're more likely to do it. Kills can still add to suffering, but they aren't the primary win. You could then nerf camping and tunneling anyways with the game set up for going after everyone separately. Sounds more fun.
It is a good idea, but you are wrong about one part. The Entity doesn't want suffering, it wants HOPE. It is essentially an emotion vampire that feeds on a survivor's Hope taking a piece of it every time a survivor is sacrificed. The more hope a survivor has at the time of their sacrifice, the better the meal. It does this until the survivors and killers have nothing left in them and tosses their emotionless husks into its void realm.
Your idea still works regardless, just wanted to clear up that one bit there.
Great idea! Honestly, I’m just commenting to push the algorithm. And I think others should too.