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Woud be awesome to get the slowdown back from 2017 and maybe some sort of interaction, everything with Freddy is mostly passive and that could be why we are not happy with him?

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.

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15 thoughts on “OLD FREDDY WAS BETTER, RIGHT? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I agree that the old freddy in the current meta would have a hard time against good survivors but, most killers struggle rn anyways and there was a bit more to him back then. Than just tp to a gen or place a snare at a loop. Ideally it would be nice if bhvr were to combine both and put it together imo. Give him some more gameplay than just the general loop mind games any killer can have. He does need some quality of life changes, think it would be nice for survivors to have a little more to think about than, "oh no! its Freddy, let me just quickly go grab a clock/ fail a skill check to counter his entire power." Solid vid Jay <3

  2. They really should just let him have his snares and pallets at the same time. I never got to experience old Freddy and even though he was super weak back then his power was super unique and all his own.

  3. Believe it or not, I do miss him. He had a unique playstyle that is stronger than people gave credit for. Most people tried to play him like other killers at the time and you simply can not do that. He DID need a tweak but not the total change that they did.. Something that is what is missing from this, at the time people would fail skill checks in order to break out of the dream world. This caused people who played him like other killers was harder on since they did not know that you could use that heavily in your favor. ( At base, it caused more of a loss in generator repair, and of course was even worse when you used overcharge, a perk that also had a smaller skill-check at said time and was also effected by Unnerving. ) There was also tricks you can do with his power that you could NOT do with any other killer ( and still cant. )

    High end Freddy players where extremely rare ( Understatement ) to find, but they where all nightmares for top end survivor groups. ( Pun intended )

  4. It does not matter preplanning. They can miss a skill check and wake up. Freddy was bad. When you cannot hit a survivor unhooking and you have to wait while the survivor goes to a loop means that he is bad.

  5. as a Person who is Freddy Main since release! No he wasn`t better in terms of strength!
    Yes he was better in Terms of Fun!
    But that is my opinion!
    I miss him! He was more tactical, hit and run, goal was to keep them in sleep and then hit and run all over the Map with the wall hacks and the ultra speed…
    technically Legion is the unfun Version of Old Freddy, but (just a bit) more powerful

    they should have made it optional
    And yes we want him back but that doesn`t mean it needs to be the old weak Version like it was, updated to todays standards…I would give him the gen Port, the Paletts as standard and the slings as Add On (Yes switch it because People say they are stronger! I disagree HARD but that is my opinion as Freddy Main since 2017)The Old Power with Add Ons to make it down to 1 sec, the standard Time not 7 but 5 secs and the Gen Port would stay, too. And failed skillchecks would not break dreamstate! Ever! They have to be woken by an awaken Surv or get the actual wake up mechanic! But the Wallhack and the Hit and Run playstyle is what i miss the most!
    WIth Legion it sucks! With Blight, too!

  6. 3:55 Here is the mistake directly! He should take him to dream world and the just run and find another one!
    As soon as he is not in your TR anymore you see exactly what he does!
    As soon as you see him do a Gen, Heal or anything else that could make him awake, run to him, and so, keep the dreamstate always up. At the same time try to draw all 4 into dreamstate and then, once you have them, the Game snowballs from alone!
    Important is that you keep the overview!
    It is a complete different gamne style where the chase ability absolutely didn`t matter at all! There were Games where I had no one for 4 Gens because I needed so long to get them all to dreamstate AND keep them there and then in 30 secs all 4 survs were on the hook!
    The mistake that people who say he was weak made is playing him like any other killer and chasing after survs! He is like hag…you place your Trap and let him run…once he is 24 m away you see EVERY MOVE of him at ANY TIME on THE COMPLETE MAP 8except he is in TR) with MORE than the SPeed that you have today with Wraith with SPeed Add Ons or Legion with 4 Hits!
    The people just couldn`t play him…
    unga unga…not good chase…Killer not good..uga uga…
    godamn Apes…

  7. Would be cool to have some of his old abilities for sure. Like maybe not 50% speed reduction but like 5% base kit and added 10% as a purple or iri? The pill bottle addon base kit. Or even keep tele even if gens are done. But hes not that bad now, much better than before. Before people would just run self care and fail skill checks. Those changes certainly wouldnt make him broken imo. He'll never reach even A tier lke that. Loved your vid Jay. Nice to go down dbd memory lane. The history of the games pretty cool, journeys been nuts


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