How Do You Win Against TRIPLE TINKERER?! | Dead By Daylight

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26 thoughts on “How Do You Win Against TRIPLE TINKERER?! | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I use was using this build on my pig and demogorgan but I eventually decided to use BBQ on demo and Thrilling on pig because I found I had trouble actually contesting the tinkerer on them.

  2. Why so hostile over a non-swf. They were all working on separate gens. That’s their objective. I’ve started to enjoy watching your hacker videos and against swf videos but when you’re going against baby survs and get super angry it’s kinda weird. Idk.

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  4. I understand these games are hella boring when they finish the gens so quickly, had a game where it felt like a comp and they just finished the gens and left immediately, but you can’t get mad at them for doing their ONLY objective, they did really well splitting up on gens while you were in chase. Just a problem with the game rn


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