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In this video I provide you with some informative Plague gameplay using “Call Of Brine”. I hope you enjoy and thanks for watching (:
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Brine + pop is a good combination for killers who want gen defense, but who don't want to risk only running ruin and having it cleansed 1 minute into the match. Been using it on spirit and while gens still get done, the rate at which they get done is a lot lower and it also makes survivors annoyed of having an automatic 25% gen regression w/ pop, followed by 200% regression
His name was Evil Cure, it was his destiny to CLEANSE.
Yooo you played very well in a bad map for plague
Jeff cause a dominos effect…and have a nerve to DC on teammates.. good job capitalizing survivors mistakes negoose
Love that we have a solid plague main out there, such a fun killer.
Is there a particular reason you hide your hook count? I feel like it helps me a lot during games, though that's largely because I can be a bit forgetful of who I've hooked and how many times. Do you just try to keep a mental note?
I'm a survivor main for the most part but I play Plague and Nurse when I hop on killer. Because my mmr isn't terribly high due to not playing killer much, Brine absolutely shreds on my plague games. There's always that one survivor that cleanses so they're scared of hopping on the infected generator despite it regressing under Brine.
i use the same build!
Nice game! I kinda forgot about CoB for awhile, I need to give it more love on Plague it stacks well with thana and pop, especially if they don’t touch it for even like 10 seconds
this map is SO shitty for plague omg i hate when i get it on my games
Nice vid bro <3
this is amazing, MORE THE PLAGUE MY GOOD SIR
u have fps drop like me 🙁
Do you think we can get some Call of Brine value also with Hag? Could you try it next time?