Dead by Daylight: That's Poised (not really)

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THIS IS NOT A POISED BUILD VIDEO, but it also is. I’m not gonna consider this a “Build” video because it was pretty much a failure showing off Poised. I ain’t ever returning to this build again either I’m done-zo with Poised. I also got Paul to be in this video. Also shout out to the streamer we played against, VotiveVendetta.

his stream:

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0:00 – Intro
1:05 – Bubba
5:51 – Streamer
11:50 – Spirit
14:58 – Lobby Talk


20 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight: That's Poised (not really)”

  1. New killer:The Meh
    The Meh is a meh killer her power is called the Bleeeehhhh which can put down a block that has collision and has purple particles coming off it 😀

    The Meh has 3 perks(no shit)and they are:Buffalo chicken pizza,Used toilet paper and Mario's cum sock.The Meh can kill survivors

    New survivor:Karen
    Karen can do everything another survivor can do but she has different voice lines and a different model.Karen has 3 personal perks:Speak to the manager,Yelling and Fuck off

    Karen can speak with the killer's manager and give them blowjobs so she can get the hatch.ENTITY PLEASED

    What do you think about my new chapter for dbd?

  2. Bro this is one of my channels, I know Ian gets meme'd a lot, but your guys's ranks and mistakes are what make you guys entertaining for me, it's relatable, although I am hoping ya'll get better with time, thanks for the content!

  3. I had an idea for poised: whenever a gen gets popped, on top of no scratch marks, poised grants you a speed boost that works even when you’re exhausted. It wouldn’t be too op because it’d be very situational. It’d be useless when you’re downed or on a hook, but during a chase it could be super good. If it’s still too good, it can be added so that it gives exhaustion (similar to adrenaline).
    This poised, paired with something like sprint burst or dark sense could make a neat build.


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