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Lampkin Lane is now officially the worst and most dangerous map for survivors to play on in Dead By Daylight. According to Nightlight, it has the highest kill rate in the game and one of the highest 4k percentages. It’s probably because the map was recently downsized and doesn’t spawn with a killer shack
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Oh how the turntables.
Oh but killer main will still claim they cant win in this map bla bla when the statistics literally are in their favour
I’ve never even realized that I’ve never escaped lampkin lane since the Map rework
Forgotten Ruins still having the highest kill rate: "Did you forget about me?"
I miss OG Haddonfield. When it felt like a dingy neighborhood.
As a singularity main, please take me to Eyrie of Crows so I can give the whole team scopophobia.
Yea and somehow i just use boil over and climb to a 2nd floor house and flip flop and just be extremely annoying to the killer
Yeah its definitely the worst map after the rework. It was tok survivor sided before but now it has basically no good loops. Ive never lost a killer march sicbe ive started playing if its Lampkin.
I still hate playing haddonfield as killer i dont like it as killer nor survivour just because checking/getting yo hens is so unbelievably frustrating for both sides gotta be my least favourite map in the game behind the stranger things one
bhvr better step up and nerf pig
Funny because I normally struggle on that map but somehow excel in the bigger maps
Yet killer mains still complain about this map lmao
Survivor mains when they cannot loop house of pain for 5 minutes straight anymore:
as someone who plays both killer and survivor I kind of want bigger maps. it's no fun chasing someone around the same loop for the 50th time. And some spawns as survivor make me feel like I have to run a marathon just to get to the next loop. But that's why I'm in vesting in windows+lithe.
Oh noo, would be ashamed if they made badham smaller, and removed certain loops…
(Nudges behaviour)
Dosnt help that 2 gens are in the middle of the map right across from eachother with little protection so the killer can both see you a mile away and very easily chase/down you off them
the fact that there are 5 badham maps means i’m less sympathetic that lampkin lane exists. wouldn’t mind if they reworked both maps tho
it’s amusing to me how haddonfield went from one of the most survivor sided maps, to one of the most killer sided ones. sharpest 180 turn i’ve ever seen lol
ever since the map downsized, i noticed the gens are close to each other therefore more chances to get 3 gen'ed
Wtf, i thought it was the worst map for both sides. I absolutely hate this map as a killler player
I dont get why they had to do the rework. Sure the loops were strong but it was one of the best 3gen maps, since there were Always two gens in Main and in Front of Main.
You could get insane bamboozle Value cutting chases in more than half with it and Killers Like Huntress, singularity or Unknown had a blast on the open street in the middle.
As a Pig Main I also enjoyed that you could keep track of which traps the survivor did, when you keep an eye Out for them in the street. And from where they came.
It was a map where you could get value Out of Chase builds. Cuz the Open map gave you Lots of information.
It was not nearly as survivor-sided as some people make It to be.
I do agree that some car loops were a bit unfair, since a normal M1 Killer Had No choice but to run 4x around it, Break it and let the survivor get to either a building or a new pallet. But making them a bit unsafer would have been fine.
But for Killers Like Blight and Billy those pallets we're No Problem either.
Now with so many Windows removed it creates Situations, where, when the survivor was hooked away from the buildings, there is no way to make It in the BT Timer to the next Window therefore making tunneling way more easier.
Sorry for my book here lol. I had lately a Match there where I got tunneled Out on 5 Gens and the Blight got me 10 Seconds after every Hook. Since I dropped the one "Safe" pallet nearby in my first chase, there was nowhere to go besides the cool Bush pallet at the end of street. Even though on my second Hook 2 mates tried to take a hit. And I had ds. There was No Chance. And this Layout nearly spawns everytime. It wasn't Just Bad rng.
Why they blocked every window??
Dbd is stupidly killer sided!! If killer cry about a perk that have been in the game for years and recently they cried about it it will get nerfed ex adrenaline.