Dead By Daylight | The Good Guy (Chucky) Voice Lines With File Names November 8, 2023 by DBDLeaks Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Read more Dead by Daylight ➜ source
4:47 oh my god does he have voicelines for when Nick Cage is in the lobby with him thats amazing Reply
During 8:38 near the end u can hear how much the VA loved the role, sorry I don’t know who it is Reply
4:47 oh my god does he have voicelines for when Nick Cage is in the lobby with him thats amazing
never played Dead by Daylight this pack made me buy the game just to use this character.
“You know, size doesn’t really matter”
Peek a boo asshole 😂😂
,,Where are you assholes?" one of my favs tbh
Top talkative killers
The best part is everybody near him in game can hear all the voice lines
i wonder what happened to mori dialoge 7
So he just became your average toxic survivor main lol
where’s his slice n dice dialogues? 😭
The line delivery on “I’m amazing” really made me laugh for some reason
During 8:38 near the end u can hear how much the VA loved the role, sorry I don’t know who it is
Nearly 9 minutes of voicelines. I hope they paid Brad well..or pay him well.
“How’s it hangin?”
Being the most talkative killer in dbd is the most in character thing I love it.
I can’t imagine how much it hurts for brad’s throat after doing all that yelling
Ot's amazing that chucky got more voice lines than pinhesd, wesker, and singularity combined
I'm so happy it's Brad voicing him
Heidy ho 5:20
8 minutes of Chucky voice lines. I needed this.