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This is totally based in her updated menu theme and I took the advantage to do this from the behavior music vision of the character.
I hope you like this one!
Time Stamps:
0:00 “Terror Radius 20 Meters”
0:31 “Terror Radius 13 Meters”
1:02 “Terror Radius 6 Meters”
1:33 “Chase”
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Dead by Daylight is owned by Behavior
I wish I could cosplay as her someday! 😊🙂😁
The background noises kinda remind me of your pennywise menu music
just imagine this chase theme whit her lullaby… terrifying
Another masterpiece!! Those drums kick in this. Why are you not hired for this man!! Too damn talented to be ignored.
Next time you do playthrough video of dead by daylight and you included your own music, you HAVE TO play against huntress and use this!! It will sound so good especially with her humming lullaby added from 32 meters automatically!!! Try it good sir 💪🏽
I hear that penywise lobby music
Top tier music as always, Firs 🙂
Hmmm, la Cazadora. Es un concepto interesante; sin embargo he podido ver una cosa que no me ha llegado a convencer del todo. Analizo en completo:
20 metros: He podido ver que has reciclado un fragmento de la música del lobby que hiciste de Pennywise, lo cual no recomiendo hacerlo ya que podría convertirse en mal hábito a largo plazo, además de que sabes hacer joyitas guapas. Pero en fin, supongo que a veces no se nos puede ocurrir otra cosa que hacer o poner.
13 metros: No está mal, tiene todavía esa parte, pero ya le vas dando tu punto original. Nada más que agregar.
6 metros: Ojojoooo, buenas vibras.
Persecución: De lujísima madre, sabiendo su historia, los instrumentos calzan a la perfección con la temática "caza en el bosque".
Bueno, eso es todo cuanto puedo decir. Obviamente no soy crítico ni soy un experto, pero me apetecía darte un consejo para animarte y que sigas con lo que haces.
Porque, como dice un anuncio muy famoso: "Porque tú lo vales."
This is my new favorite yours <3
My gosh this theme really sells. Your not being hunted by a killer…
Your bring hunted by an Apex Predator
This is awesome🥰🔥
Pls, do Death Note chapter music🙏🙏🙏
So gorgeous and very cool
Great work
I think it would be ok, just care with the screeching sounds. Having to hear that non stop would 100% get tiring
Imagine your in coldwind farm, get snipedd across the map and then slowly hear this getting more intense
Dude I could crap myself in the locker I was hiding in
Wow this is awesome! Haven’t played a while so, I didn’t even know she didn’t have her own chase music. Which I find saddening because she’s my favorite one
I don't get why Huntress still doesnt have a chase theme, even her menu music got added
We all have to agree … Fanmade music > game music
Congrats my guy. You have predicted the future for the 3rd time. Can't wait for the 4th time on the 6 year anniversary.
If you hum the lullaby it fits in, well fucking done
The game would be a lot more scarier if they use your Chase music🤧
I love how this actually makes it seem like you’re being chased by an angry bunny furry……
Dude, you should make one for "Us," I love that horror movie!
Demon slayer chapter when?
You should do a volatile chase theme or the night hunter
You should make a Bioshock one next^^
I just finished a Bioshock concept
Can you do bioshock DBD
I LOVE THIS THEME!, You did it really great I loved it, I'll give you an idea of another killer that nobody mentions in case you want to make him a fan theme, His name is Jack from "The Jack In The Box".
You should do Dying Light next!
I think a good lobby and chase would be Hellsing.
This theme hits The Huntress perfectly! I hope she get's her own chase theme just like The Hillybilly did 🙂
Have you tried to get hired by BHVR? with this in your portfolio i can guarantee you will get hired
As a huntress main I approve completely. I want this in the game so bad. Ugh I wish they hired you to do some chase themes 😞
Would u ever consider doing a fan-made lobby and chase music for a hypothetical Jaws chapter?
This is another success theme!! Does anybody notice the similarity of the sounds in the first few terror radius sounds like Dead By Daylight's IT Menu/Pennywise Chase (Fan Made)?
egc chase theme should be "skin on our teeth"
Can’t we all agree. There’s nothing more scary than huntresses lullaby echoing throughout the map..
this is the first fan made music of this game i think would actually work very good job 👏🏻
But the chase on 1.25 speed sound so good