Limmy's SWEAT SWF vs ManFaceJay | Dead by Daylight

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Twins are hard to play conventionally, you typically have to play them very campy, that’s how you get the strongest use out of them for sure! However, this team came in with some big intentions, bringing the map and boil over and medkits etc

We made sure to use the maps layout against them!

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


29 thoughts on “Limmy's SWEAT SWF vs ManFaceJay | Dead by Daylight”

  1. He didn't know the styptic button lol that actually would've changed it a lot, he would've taken a hit and in deep wound run away and kick viktor, all 3 alive at the end with 1 gen left

  2. OK so you label your video a sweaty team but the question is were you doing the same thing also I think now when you post up these videos it’s either you’re complaining about the sweat or you just want to Kroger “we like everyone else complaining but in a different way I don’t get it how is this not different people say it’s content that they post other peoples reaction but in other news if those people saw the video and they decided to message you about it then you complain about it I’ll try to make a reason it still complaining I just don’t get the world anymore

  3. Idk I don't do sacrifice As killer, I love to mori them instead, sacrificing them is to easy, I rather kill survivors, shows more skill, then face camping and sending them to the moon, idk they give me BJ's more this way 🙂

  4. You're not gonna get full points when you block off the hallway with insidious just to camp. You have insidious because you seem to do those try hard plays often. And in the beginning of the video you said Twins aren't strong. Ha! Even the devs say Twins are ridiculously strong. Cmon man. They were very sweaty survivors, but the way you played that made at least one of the survivors to have a miserable, non fun, game. You obviously don't care because 4k means the world to you. The 3rd video straight i saw of yours that you do campy stuff like that. Is that fun for you? If it is more power to ya. But you literally just stand there in the hallway waiting half the game. Ya need the iridescent and purple add ons even so don' go saying that the survivors be having all good items. I just don't agree with your gameplay man. But gl in your future games i guess.

  5. This is a perfect representation of what a trial should be like in terms of respecting each other’s plays. Whether the 4 escaped or he got the 4K , it all came down to skill and understanding exactly how this game can and SHOULD be. There is situational and necessary times where a killer might camp, or slug OR a survivor might body block or take a BT hit, encourage a DS. Those little things that trigger some people are part of the game where it can be countered and when and IF it’s done right… it can turn the tide of game. People should watch this video and take notes. I’ve been saying… to truly understand and respect this game you should play both sides till you get the hang of each style of gameplay. Then you’ll understand each other a lot better.

  6. Hey Jay, I popped by stream today and left a message and realized that in the heat of games it's hard to take in and respond to what people say If it's longer than 10 words. So I just wanted to let you know I had quit dbd about a month and a half before sodako chapter dropped with no intention of coming back, I played survivor when I felt I had to, to see the game from their perspective and get insight into it to make me a better killer but I have been a killer main since I started in August of 2021. I started getting frustrated and would let things like tbagging and flashlight clicking get under my skinthe worst of the spiral was after I realized that the reason they were doing it was to get under my skin, knew it and was aware of it but still had the emotional response so my frustration was now dual and Pointe both at the game and myself. I started watching you, otz, spookyloops and spooknjukes around that time and I just thought that you should know that watching your gameplay was the model I used to overcome it and since then my games go so much smoother, I'm having fun again and I owe a large portion of that to you. You are an amazing content creator and you brought me back to a game that was only causing me frustration and paved the path for me to enjoy it again. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you so very much


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