Red's Requested WHACK A GEN WRAITH Build! – Dead by Daylight

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This build is a monster at denying survivors ability to finish gens and extremely excels into late game 3gen strat, making it quite difficult to face as a survivor!

I hope you all are ready! Sit back and enjoy some Survivor massacre! Hope the dbd, dbd mobile Dead by daylight mobile, and dead by daylight crossplay communities all love the survivor gameplay and Rank 1 Wraith Gameplay!
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00:00 Build Breakdown
02:03 Wraith Gameplay


34 thoughts on “Red's Requested WHACK A GEN WRAITH Build! – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Build request: Wraith's lovely assistant:
    Play with your food
    Addons: double uncloak speed

    Make a point of not hitting the obsession unless they make you or you don't have others to chase and gather stacks of pwyf off them by uncloaking to cancel chase on demand. with the speed boost combined with stbfl cooldown and a very fast uncloak you end chases nearly immediately. for the addons you want to can use cloak speed addon if you like but since you don't get slowed during the cloaking its basically only useful for rapid bell bonging. for the last perk it's mostly to give infor on multiple survivors since you ideally want to be able to choose if you want to farm stacks off the obsession or get a down or both.

  2. Hey red, I got a very decent Ghostface build suggestion,
    "Tidal Clash Ghostface"

    Build: Jolt, Discordance, Overcharged and Dragon's grip.

    Add ons: Ghostface caught on tape and anything else. I prefer Walleye's matchbook or Philly.

    Idea is to get at least two downs after discordance procs. If it doesn't go as planned, Dragon's grip is pretty cool on Ghostface, if they touch the omega regressing Gen or risk the exposed. It's tricky for them to react after they know it exists. It's also a great information to get when you got 3 Gen area. Good luck 🍀😁

  3. Hello Mr. Red, I would like to do a build request:

    Guaranteed dying light stacks with Legion
    The build consists of:

    Dying light- For slowdown
    Nemesis- If the previous obsession dies it guarantees another survivor to become the obsession when you get pallet stunned and it also ensure play with your food stacks.
    Thanathaphobia- Ensures more slow down pressure with dying light.
    Play with your food- Ensures more movement speed.

  4. Instead of the green addon you should use the common serpent addon, which uncloaks after you break a pallet/gen. You’d be surprised how many free hits you get

  5. Hey Reds, try out this.

    My Nemy Build, super strong as hell.

    Lethal pursuer, grim embrace, save the best for last and jolt.

    Addons you need to use Serotonin Injector and Marvin's blood.

    You never gonna lose anymore.

  6. Build Request: Endless Storm Doctor

    Merciless Storm
    Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance
    Iron Grasp

    Try to hook a survivor on a scourge hook just as Merciless Storm activates and give them the impossible skillchecks. It would make decent content if you pull it off.

  7. Here's one for ya: "Notification Pinball" – Who needs scratchmarks and blood to find survivors, not you!
    Blight with Discordance, Tinkerer, Spies from the Shadows, and Infectius Fright (or any other notif perk – Deathbound, etc)
    Alchemist Ring and Blighted Crow for the zooms

  8. hey red! long time fan and i got a build i just thought of, Demolisher Legion

    Franks Mixtape, Iri button or julies mixtape (whichever you think would be better or one for each game) for the addons
    brutal strength, fire up, bamboozle, enduring

    it may be a bit stupid but you can sprint around and kick gens and walls jump fast over pallets and hust be zoomy


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