DOUBLE RUIN LEGION? – Dead by Daylight!

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14 thoughts on “DOUBLE RUIN LEGION? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I always brute force shack in hopes of getting the pallet, hence my opinion every shack on every map should have the breakable wall like on Dead Dog, so you can break the loop and make it weaker even if they have the god pallet.

  2. in this game , I am only worried when someone have a key at the start of the game , they make fools the rest of us and the killer , while killer chasing us and killing ,that person with the key is just hiding and escapes 🙂😂🤣🤣🤣👍

  3. For brute forcing shack, you can't respect the pallet at all. I've noticed a lot of killers make that mistake. Even if the survivor is death hook and injured, if you respect the pallet then good survivors can extend the loop a lot.

    In general, I never respect strong pallets like killer shack or jungle gyms against good survivors, or else they'll keep extending the loop.

  4. When this game dies and it will, the devs will have nobody else to blame but themselves

    They had the opportunity to make maps smaller with way less safe loops while reworking them and they didn't

    Wasted opportunity that will eventually bite them in the asses later + too many meta perks for survivor and too little variability for strong killers without op builds

    The MMR is making this game extremely boring for killers because it's just making you suffer for doing too good and forcing you to be a puppet for bully swf squads


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