Dead By Daylight ULTIMATE 2022 Wishlist! – DBD Updates & Changes We Need In 2022!

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Dead By Daylight ULTIMATE 2022 Wishlist! – DBD Updates & Changes We Need In 2022!

0:00 – Intro (Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays)
1:19 – Bloodweb / Prestige Overhaul
4:11 – Character / Cosmetic Design Rework
5:17 – Start Game Feature
7:14 – Pregame Loading Lobby
8:47 – Crafting Mode / Bloodmarket
10:08 – More Mories, Items, Offerings & Emotes
13:08 – Better EAC & Plater Protection
14:39 – Custom Game Overhaul
16:33 – Stats, Lobby board, Theatre Mode
17:26 – Closing
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🕒 Monday – 3:00 pm EST – 7:00pm EST
🕒 Tuesday – 3:00 pm EST – 7:00pm EST
🕒 Wednesday – 3:00 pm EST – 7:00pm EST
🕒 Thursday – 3:00 pm EST – 7:00pm EST
❌ Friday – No Stream
❌ Saturday – No Stream
❌ Sunday – No Stream
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39 thoughts on “Dead By Daylight ULTIMATE 2022 Wishlist! – DBD Updates & Changes We Need In 2022!”

  1. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays all! Yes! Another one! Sticking to our series, we're ending it on things I'd love to see in 2022! I took a lot of these ideas from your own comments and previous videos! Some new, some old! Hope you enjoy, and hope we can see some of these in the coming year! Much love everyone, stay safe, enjoy yourself and see you all soon! Tomorrow we have a special video planned for you guys!

  2. Tbh i don't know if there is much they can do to get me playing again. I normally buy dlcs day one and finish tomes asap. I've not finished the last two and i haven't bought the newest dlc nor was gonna buy the upcoming one. VHS has all of my attention now. Behavior is too slow on addressing issues like camping and tunneling and MMR being widely unliked. But we get VHS getting attention and their tone on camping changed from "Its a legit strat and people can do it if they want" to "We dont like how enticing it is so we're doing something about it." Like what happened?? We've said killers camp a ton for YEARS and NOW they wanna do something

  3. I definitely think FNAF’s scale with other franchises would grow after this year. Another thing I wanna share is the possibility of little nightmares in DBD. Just a pitch I’d really wanna see come to fruition

  4. A custom game mode would be cool, and some different game modes I would like to see, and change the repair bar, expand it. And yes I think they should update the killers designs they did it for survivor's so go ahead and do it for killer's 👍

  5. Cross progression for sure. I play on the switch and I’d love to either try ps5 or pc sometime. (I won’t give up completely playing on the switch; because I love it) but the frame rate is the only problem I do have on the switch version 😅

  6. My personal wish is Alma from the F.E.A.R franchise. A great YouTuber even made fan music for a F.E.A.R chapter. Probably will never happen though. Great video as always! I’d love to see you cover VHS.

  7. I think that this game could be really good with gore, because it’s basically serial killers hunting you down. They aren’t just gonna slash you a couple times and you die. A mori rework with gore would be amazing. A good example of this is hag. That mori remains one of the best in the game. The use of gore is integrated well with the killer’s lore and demeanor, while other killers(Trapper) have outdated, poor moris.

  8. I think its crazy that stats and theater mode isn't in the game. Id love to see my stats on killer and survivor. Like how my stuns I have and hooks I have. Then it would be cool to go back into a match and watch you chase a survivor to see what they see and help you improve.

  9. When u prestige you get the tier 1 of that teachable unlocked on all characters. Then at prestige 2 you get tier 1 of the second teachable on everyone etc….
    This would reduce the grind whilst also rewarding you so you can target specific perks to always have them on your killers if you want but there will still be levelling to get tier 2 and 3 of all perks.
    Also make the bloodied cosmetics overlays so you can make whatever cosmetic you want bloodied.

    We know they have the technology because it works for nemesis and plague infections. This plus make the survivor blood point gains equal to the killer ones would make for the best fix to the grind system for me.
    It also rewards people who have already played the game without making them feel like they’ve wasted all their time in a slower system for years 😁😁😁

  10. I would love an actual offline mode where you play with bots and just wanna have fun without the stress of other players ruining your game or them saying your ruining theirs. And they 100000% need to revamp the bloodweb completely, the bloodweb is garbage, I've played for years and all my characters still don't have all perks, like there needs to be a separate section for perks you want to buy as well as items and offerings, and the perks you already have SHOULDN'T showing up!!!!!. And finally prestige needs to revamp as well like it's completely ridiculous how it says "prestiging may give you perks faster" may???? It should give you them faster. Like perks are really the only incentive to play and they make it extremely difficult to get them

  11. I agree with the ideas and suggestions but I think they should start working on DBD 2 ( if they aren't already). They have the amazing stable of licensed and non-licensed killers/survivors, we need a proper next-gen new version of the game. Imagine the best parts of F13, Last Year etc incorporated into a true dark, scary world with various objectives, new and different ablities/movements for the killers and survivors. Raccoon City and Midwich we're a step in the right direction but just doing gens is getting so old. F13 encouraged communication and with so many ways to escape and felt scary at times. There is so much they can expand and do instead of just adding nothing new or game changing

  12. FIX DEAD HARD! The survivor should just clip through attacks like they actually dodged it, not turn into a pillar of Stalinium.

    On a side note: I want Springtrap for the 6th anniversary.
    A Purrfect Apawcalypse chapter. (which probably won't ever happen)
    A Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion chapter with Specimen 8 as the killer.
    A The ER: Patient Typhon chapter.
    A Dark Deception chapter, with the Murder Monkey (aka The Bellhop) as the killer.
    A Candyman chapter, with the power accurate to Pixel Bushes idea.
    For the NFT thing with Pinhead to go away.
    For the community to mature. (a big thing to ask, I know)
    The Twins to get a quality of life change with shorter animation time, so Circle of Healing doesn't practically sterilize them.
    For new perks to be available upon skillfully playing the game without the purchase of specific killers/survivors.

    I want Dead Hard to get a quality of life change we all are asking for above everything else.


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