Dead by Daylight WEEKLY COMPILATION! #123

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29 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight WEEKLY COMPILATION! #123”

  1. 1:17 When i encounter a survivor that do that to every pallet they drop + spam flashlight or they use a macro for flashlight, i get so happy, i know they will not escape at all that game, they kinda sign their death setence. xD Otherwise i play normal against fair survivors no toxic. Encounter truly toxic survivors maybe 1 in 12 matchs

  2. Bro him letting the last survivor leave if they give you their item is lowkey one of those interactions that is well known or rather people try it to meme. But it’s so wholesome too. Love it.

  3. Had a guy do that same strat at rpd, run up the library every time so there’s nothing I can do. So I slug them and wait them out, survivors see it and they tbag them so I let them all leave.


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