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Dead by daylight – What’s in the Shrine of Secrets?? – JULY 3rd Reset 2021 (DBD)
Check back next week same time.
Thanks for all the likes last time let’s keep it up fam.
Here’s what’s in the shrine for you’re knowledge. And if you haven’t had the time to be on. Catch me next week again. Thanks much love.
Don’t forget to like & subscribe so you don’t miss the video.
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#DeadByDayLight #DBDshrine #DBD #shrineofsecerts #bbq&chili #reset #twitch #streamer #survivor #perks #Xbox #PS4 #PC #Perks #dbdshrineofsecerts #deadbydaylightshrine #shrineofsecertsdbd #steam
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#DeadByDayLight #DBDshrine #DBD #shrineofsecerts #bbq&chili #reset #twitch #streamer #survivor #perks #Xbox #PS4 #PC #Perks #dbdshrineofsecerts #deadbydaylightshrine #shrineofsecertsdbd #steam #shrineofsecretsthisweek
#DeadByDayLight #DBD #shrineofsecrets #shrineofsecretstoday #trending #bbq&chili #reset #shrineofsecretstoday #trending #twitch #streamer #shrineofsecretstoday #survivor #perks #Xbox #PS4 #PC #Perks #dbdshrineofsecrets #dbdshrineofsecretsthisweek #deadbydaylightshrine #shrineofsecrets #steam #dbdconsolepro
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First 🙂
First baby
What is with these free perks
garbage shrines broo, but happy late birthday i hope you blessed and doing good my boy ty for these vids
this shrine sucks
The dbd team says they want to make every perk available during this anniversary event, yet they have put so many duplicates already. They weird bro
Early gang
good perks, but not rare perks.
Good 2 perks balanced and borrowed time but I have them both:/ sooooooo……. "ass again" ☠️
I already have borrowed time this is the worst shrine ever
Thanks for the videos!🙏
How long this gonna go on fo
I’m glad it’s a bad shrine I can’t play rn so I’m hoping the good shrines come when I get back
Bill is S tier do you agree?
Hope theres a good shrine on the 14th when i can play dbd again