Chapter 27 2nd Teaser Analysis – Dead by Daylight

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Dead by Daylight released a new 2nd teaser for the Chapter 27 new killer. This video overviews the ideas people have about the …


34 thoughts on “Chapter 27 2nd Teaser Analysis – Dead by Daylight”

  1. I think that depending on the killers design "skull merchant" feels underwhelming for a name

    Per example "The Skull Mask" could be cooler depending again on the killers design

  2. If the killer is truly a merchant, maybe the crate is a "deal" he makes with the survivor. For example, the crate could give the survivor a tempting buff, but at the "price" of a costly status effect determined by the killer's addons. Kind of like a cursed "Monkey's Paw" type of wish.

  3. i really hope the two names are the two survivors being an official couple of scientist who developped a new kind of AI soldier (the skull merchant) and stuff went out of their control 😀 that way the killer could have voicelines and some could be specific to the two survivors like Nemesis does with the S.T.A.R.S members !

  4. Honestly, I'll be pretty tired if this killer's 'go fetch' interaction is the same as the other killers.
    Whether it's finding a vaccine, or finding a clock to wakeup, or a chest for first aid spray, or a TV to inject a tape, or the lament configuration, or a Jigsaw box to remove a reverse bear trap etc.
    This game is just getting old with the survivor interactions. It's just, go here, hold m1, then go back and do a gen
    Survivor gameplay is in desperate need of a spice up. Not just "go hold m1 for a few seconds".

  5. I hope that you can attach a tracker of some sort to survivors like with pigs bear traps and the box creates a robot, like with the skull, and after a certain amount of time it hunts the survivor or survivors with the trackers, it's somewhat similar to other killers, yet still unique and can be terrifying if done right, that's just what I hope happens

  6. I have a creative idea what if the killer has to find those boxes and can build something or they get stronger or gain more abilities but it’s probably my original theory that it’s a trap like killer like pig

  7. If im remembering correctly in either elodies or felixs lore they had a family in there order called the lyras i dont know if they mention 2 or not but i know they worked or helped elodie in some way so at least one is kind of confirmed good assuming that is still right i guess


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