Dead by Daylight Will Never Be the Same

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Now that BHVR has announced how it plans to rework 39 of DBD’s perks – many of which are highly meta – the game is set to be permanently altered in a way we’ve never seen before. How do I feel about these changes? Let’s talk about it…

Enjoy my yearly facecam vid. We’ll be back to normal next time out.

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46 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight Will Never Be the Same”

  1. im not sure if the reveal rate for noed starts after the hex is activated or once the hex is revealed with the first down. either way the change is nice

  2. Tinkerer is still at 70%. They're saying that with the CHARGES to generators increasing to 90, it'll allow killers a chance to get there in time to interrupt. The nerf is that the perk procs only once per gen.

  3. I'll comment again later when ive watched more of the video (and can comment on DBD) but i can't believe ppl say you're too biased for the killers??? you just sound like a killer main to me 😭

    i sistinctly don't enjoy watching other DBD youtubers bc they focus so much on how things affect survivors or what survivors want and need but no one really takes the time to explain a killers experience – and i main killer so it feels nice 😭

    Dead Hard requiring more skill seems delicious

  4. Das food is a cutie, but also I think the perks are gonna work out fine I just wished that the prestige three reward should’ve been cosmetic but honestly I’m curious on how all of it is gonna come together

  5. Gift of Pain and Thana are completely opposed to each other. Gift of Pain deactivates after being injured again, Thana only triggers WHILE injured. You could use them together for more consistent slowdown but the more you have of one the less you'll have of the other.

  6. Overcharge actually doesn't work like call of brine, from what I understood when you kick the gen it's starts off at normal regression speed and it builds up for 30 seconds till it's 400%

  7. Off the record makes camping very viable. the best way to counter it is going to be immediately hitting a survivor off hook and then go after the unhooker. that way the unhooked survivor gets zero perk value and can’t body block 60 seconds later

  8. my problem with dead hard is that survivors can still dead hard through pallets that they wouldnt have made where you as the killer are forced to swing. i was hoping i wouldnt have to wait behind a survivor until they press a button but eh

  9. Again another person completely skipping over the fact that ruin cleanses itself after a survivor dies… this will allow killers to slug the first person on death hook

  10. As a survivor main, I can say I am happy with almost all of the changes. I do believe the 2 seconds stun nerf on DS is a bit much. If it was 4 seconds or would remain unchanged, it would be better. While it helps M1 killers, top tier killers will also gain a lot from this change, making it even harder to fight back against killers with little to no counterplay as a survivor. When it comes to dead hard, I wanted the dash to remain, but without the invincibility. My problem when playing killer (I play mostly Nurse when I play killer) was that timing to dodge my hit. Sadly, it's still there. This way, you can still use dead hard strategically, not as a "Fixer of mistakes".

    Besides that, I am happy with the changes.

    I still believe Prove Thyself, medkits, CoH and Toolboxes should've been address in this update as well.

    Prove Thyself to increase the speed by 10% instead of 15% for each survivor you cooperate with but it only applied to the user.
    CoH would heal you passively while not being healed, healing, downed or in chase, at a rate of 1 heath state over 40 seconds.
    Medkits to not allow self healing without having self care.
    Toolboxes to prevent the gen from being regressed, instead of offering a repair speed.

    Of course, this only fixes a quarter of the problems this game has: map design, rng, killer power balance, items etc. But it is a step in the right direction. All those players DBD lost in the past 6 months was a clear wake-up call for BHVR.

    8/10 for this update.

  11. Dead hard will still be annoying to play against but at least it’s much easier to bait out, and it cannot be used for distance.

    Also DS’s new stun duration is as long as Head On’s activation timer, meaning no more DS straight into Head On since it takes survivors 1/2 a second to rush enter a locker, meaning the killer’s stun timer will always deplete faster than it takes to activate Head On

  12. I personally think they should just keep Iron Will at 100% but keep the exhaustion change. I think Iron Will was one of the best perks, but it took so much skill to use it properly. Like they’re nerfing Iron Will but not Sprint Burst which is the best perk in the game at it’s max potential? Just seems kinda weird to me.

    Iron Will made the game significantly more fun because it opened the doors for so many different risky techs like window techs and dumb techs 🙁 I just feel like this change will make DBD less fun

  13. I don’t know but pretty sure people are gonna take protection hits off hook with that save change more than ever … then if they add it with BT ,DH ,DS etc…
    And the killers that “oh you took a hit guess I’m tunneling “ may not be effected

  14. Prestige is capped at 100, don't know if you are able to then just keep using bloodpoints to get more addons, offerings and such without being able to go higher than Prestige 100

  15. I think you might have misread Overcharge. It doesn’t regress at 400% instantly, it builds up to that speed over 30 seconds. It is to give survs incentive to stop it from regression as soon as possible

  16. You actually missed the edited Were Gonna Live Forever, change where they turn the tokens into a 10 second soul guard for the survivor you pick up. That's usually my biggest issue with using the og WGLF. In the rare chance that I get to use it, the killer usually gets back just as I'm picking them up, so they just go down again. Though….why would I use that when we got the new Botany!

  17. they need to stop timing people out for leavening the game people have a right to leave the game because people troll the killer i dont play against trolls i leave everytime people tea bag the ground i dont like them people

  18. i leave everytime someone set by the hook it makes it where u cant every put anyone on the hook thats cheating u dont have enough time to put them on the hook when they set by the hook not playing against them cheaters

  19. they somehow made deadhard basically the opposite of what it used to be, from just the most brainless press this button to avoid death perk to something that is actually very skillful, you have to actually predict and predict well when the killer is going to take a swing at you and act instantly and most importantly its something the killer can bait out and get instantly rewarded for doing so rather than ok you baited out the deadhard theyre still too far to hit and now theyre behind a pallet or literally at the exit gate thanks for playing chump

  20. Hey Das Food, was waiting for your reaction! 1. Firstly, I don't mind the vault nerf on Spinechill, but will it still remain a strong stealth perk? I love it because it's the only counter to Undetectable for survivors and is the only reason I've survived countless times. Stoked that Botany, Calm Spirit, NOLB and Deja Vu are buffed, very underrated perks! Off The Record sounds like new DS in my opinion, especially paired with Deliverance. Sole Survivor might be a worthwhile solo queue perk now too.
    2. What perks on both sides are you disappointed didn't get changed? Honestly, instead of BT, I think Kindred makes the most sense as basekit. Killers are getting a base Brutal Strength so it could work. Let me know your thoughts!

  21. 37:47 actually Dark Sense is the one that shows the killer's aura to you for 5 seconds once a gen gets done! The one that shows you the killer when they break stuff is Alert, so it actually was a buff to make it activate for 10 seconds when the killer gets close to you!

  22. Alert is the perk that allows you to see when the killer breaks stuff. Dark sense used to just show you where the killer was for 5 seconds when a gen was completed. Now it shows you when the killer is approaching you.

  23. Corrupt is now for set up killers,it's a perk that will be extremely useful on killers like trapper and hag who has to spend time to set up and self care is really really useless more then it used to be,I believe it would be about a min heal,around 56 seconds with sloppy etc,very bad,nerfing the speed is gonna make Emerson claudetts worse


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