Dead by Daylight's Most HATED Killer

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I recently ran some polls on my community tab to see what my community thought was the most disliked killer in dbd. Nurse ended up winning it all, despite her recent changes/nerfs. If you enjoyed, be sure to leave a like, comment and subscribe!

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Dufer Bar 4 – Stray
Ant Village – Stray
Zeku’s Theme – SF5
Wig Studio – Miitopia
Mirage Saloon Zone Act 2 – Sonic Mania
Butterfly Kiss – Persona 5

0:00 The Most Disliked Killer in Dbd
2:20 Playing as the Nurse
11:17 My Survivor Struggles
12:14 Playing Against the Nurse
16:56 Outro

#Twoknee #dbd #Nurse


38 thoughts on “Dead by Daylight's Most HATED Killer”

  1. I don't play nurse for a very different reason. Playing her gives me vertigo, the whole animation of her being stunned after her teleport is too rapid and jerky of a motion and makes me feel sick. When I do play her, it's for missions, and I try to use her add-on that increases her base movespeed after a teleport hit.

  2. See it depends on who you ask. My friends who played since the original release came out despise Nurse. They dont like spirit and Blight as well but those two take actual skill and dont deny basic game mechanic. Nurse has high floor skill (english not my main language). At first its hard to play her but the more you play the better and easy it becomes, there are no ways to lose hard as her. Whereas ask my other friends who only started end of last year, they dont hate nurse, blight, or spirit who can completely deny looping and can snowball and gain momentum quickly. They hate killers who are annoying and powers they arent good dealing with even if those killers suck at chases. They despise Plauge the most (which i get) as they dont like the idea of not healing and how her powers work. If you are experienced you know that she wastes time getting you sick and has to get you broken which wont matter if you can loop. They also hate pinhead and trapper

  3. The main thing I dislike about Nurse is most Nurse players I go against slug for the 4k at 4/5 gens otherwise they lose the 5 million dollar tournament.

  4. Nurse is so fun from both perspectives, getting wrecked is impressive, running her round is such a good feeling
    Then as nurse it's just satisfying, love her overall, going against her adds a new type of style jukes to keep survivor fresh

  5. Playing against nurse is only rough when they’re really good. Even when they are at least it’s quick so I really don’t mind. That being said I might be biased because in the early days of the game, she was the first killer I picked up. Also back then she had more blinks and a few other things that made her a lot more busted. All in all she’s usually one of the least frustrating for me because like I said they’re usually bad, or it’s at least quick.

  6. Except knight and skull merchant there's another spot for killers worse than the nurse: the cenobite; is play style is so toxic, most of the players don't use him in the fairest way and the match became very unfun

  7. well if its a bad nurse its fun and against a good nurse the round ends fast. Yea and then there is the cenobite. I never got a cenobite that is not try harding. he find everytime the box before first chase. Then there exist some of them who find every box and are standing on them. Chainhunt all game is this fun? I dont know? the match will go on for adleast 20min. Against good nurses 2min so where is the Problem just go next

  8. For me my most hated killer is Trickster or Hag.
    I dont have an issue with Nurses at all, if they're good the round is over fast, so no reason to get angry and if they're bad the match is still instense. Nurse is hard to master, but also easy to learn.

  9. Hag is annoying to face, and not very strong when played as, because she always camps with traps. Personally, I hate Trickster. He's so weak in the 4v1, but OP in the 1v1. Making him weak but strong, and very annoying to face.

  10. I’ve run nurses ragged before, I don’t get it. What I hate above all else is her rasping screechy shrieks. It’s like hot bottle openers being shoved in my ears. Can’t stand playing as her or against her.

  11. Right now I hate Wesker the most, simply because I have faced Wesker 10 times today. Going against the same killer more than like twice in a row or in more than half my games that day definitely makes me hate going against some killers every now and then.

    For example there was like a week like a month before the clown guide was released where I went against clown in like every two out of three matches

  12. Granted I have been playing for only 1 year, I really can't understand why people hate Nurses so much

    Being chased by her allows me to use unpredictability and make the most of dead zones and simple walls, while with a lot of other killers i feel like the only counterplay is being excellent at the mechanical aspects of the game

    Plus, nowadays a lot of killers can move fast as fuck between gens, so I don't see what the problem is in having such a strong killer locked behind a decent skill ceiling

  13. Against a good nurse is just unfun because there is nothing you can do about it, yes its over pretty fast but still a waste of time.

    As for playing as nurse: I just hate how she works and beeing forced to Look down the whole time (yes I think its necessary for Nurse but its still a reason I hate playing as her)

  14. This wasn’t a really accurate match against a mis nurse tbh or people in the US are not tryharding as much as in the europe servers. You have to face nurses there which are really tryharding + lagswitching or they have a bad ping bc the servers are really bad spread out in europe and the players can’t do something against it. My most hated Killer is Pinhead bc he does not have to do anything to get pressure and in soloq it is impossible to have a fun match.

  15. i feel like my least favourite killers to play are billy and ghostface, because both i always feel like i'd be doing better with another killer, like, billy just feels like a harder to play bubba for way too little reward, and with ghostface i always find it really hard to avoid being revealed, and barely get to actually use the stalk, so i actually often feel like i'd rather be playing sadako who is way better at sneaking up on people, probably also influenced by the fact that bubba and sadako specifically are some of my favourite killers to play


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