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#DBD #DeadByDaylight
Well, I thought that was my computer lmfao i had too much faith on DBD
this is my idea of purgatory
Brother, these servers are terrible. The number of times i got caught because these terrible servers during this event have been too much. Thank god im finish farming the cosmetics
Entity, Ive come to bargain
Happens to me not too irregularly.
Here I thought it was only me!
Behavior! Stop releasing new Feng outfits and fix your goddamn game!!!
I would like to believe this why my solo queue teammates don’t do gens
labour of love, this has been the middle eastern experience of DBD since the start of the event.
I thought i was playing for a sec, this is my normal rn lol
You look adorable in that santa outfit lmao
Plot twist: the video is 5 minutes long and his voice is rubberbanding too
It's best not to play that game so much just get off of it
It either this or halfway through the match 25k points later "you've been disconnected from the host" like huhhhh ? 😂 I have fiber optic Internet the best in my area & no other games give me problems so i know its the Behavior servers 😂
Holy crap i thought it was just me….I reset my wifi and all like 5 times
This is why i wish they had a 3rd sever in the us they have 2 on the far sides of the country my default ping is 42 ms like just put another in the middle
Name of the beat?
Maybe bhvr accidentally sent the dbd servers to space
omg I thought this was just me
Well damn