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Frank’s Mix Tape is a Legion add-on that pauses the power gauge when you perform specific actions. Its effect should be implemented into The Legion’s base-kit!
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Bro, I was so sad they removed cold dirt. Now the Legion can't snort dirt anymore 😭
Does brutal stack with franks or no?
4:49 i do the same thing with mending ill repair a gen for a bit before having to mend
How is it they buff Huntress, and buff one of Blight's iri addons. Then completely remove the Legion tech, bruh. Buff A and S tier Killers, then nerf the C-tier.
was rebeccan reparing the same gen this whole game (?)
I just want any kind of buff at this point..
when i was little i loved purple so much to the point where i coloured my drawing all purple and teacher said colour anything but purple🤣
But Tat, “Legion is preforming exactly as he needs to be according to the data” BHVR said so
"theres no mind game get on the floor"
With frank mixtape,we should have been able to choose between vault or kick the pallets tbh and give legion an addon that allow them to use frenzy at 50% power
the perfect buff for legion is every time you vault, the power gauge recharges 25%
Legion should get an addon that makes him move way faster during Frenzy, Deep Wound is removed from hits, and Killer Instinct is revealed everywhere instead of your terror radius. When a survivor is hit, their Killer Instinct is removed until Frenzy is done. When a Frenzy down occurs, all survivors scream.
lmao meg did 1.9k points, thats impressive
Legion fatigue should last 2.7 seconds to match to the m1 cooldown just like other killers
I had a very nice case of a rage quitter recently. Was a p100 Leon. Was playing legion with the etched ruler and stylish sunglasses. Perks were Pain res, DMS, Deadlock, and Grim Embrace.
Was mid feral frenzy, swipe the leon. No killer instinct going off, so deactivate power manually.
I hear a small tink on the ground. Flashbang. So I look away and avoid the blind.
Dumbass didn't catch I avoided it and started to mend right in front of me, and as I had come out of power, I just smacked him. I swear before he finished hitting the ground he DC'ed.
also if you ask me, legion should get a third addon slot, but this one's only for the mixtapes, and only applies the chase music modifier. It also would not consume the addon in that slot.
Mischief list should be based on kit.
make the pause base kit and the add on leys you kick pallets