FIXING THE DC PROBLEM IN DBD | Dead By Daylight Discussions

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23 thoughts on “FIXING THE DC PROBLEM IN DBD | Dead By Daylight Discussions”

  1. I think the idea is good BUT the penalty for the leaver should be harder not softer for two reason. First, prevent the self sacrifice or farmer would easely find a way to sell this as a service in scummy sites (and seeing as many cheater were in DBD i wont trust them with this opportunity); second reason is to give the leaver time to cool down: if you really are frustrated with something ti the point you ragequit you may be "tilted" non only for one match and do it again in the next two minute of the next match. So my solution involve a fixed penality of 15 Min to really make you disengage of DBD. If you really want another game you will return after a little break. If you dont then maybe you are a little too enraged for the game right now or should learn to roll even when all the odds are against you. DBD should be fun, i know It may be frustrating at times but is part of the deal to win or lose even when sh*t happen.
    Of course this will never happen because the devs want you to stay in the game but i think your little fix with a longer time out could really make people think if they should really DC or just roll with it for some minute.

  2. there needs to be a failsafe for acrual disconnects. ive sat through MULTIPLE DAY BANS because my internet cuts out, yet people ragequit and sit through a 30 second ban. if bhvr just fucking keep a disconnected player in the game but ✨invisible✨ and give them 5 minutes to reconnect to carry on playing, and then punish the people that dont reconnect in that time or hit the leave game button a LOT harder. and the fact that bhvr dont even let you APPEAL AN ACCIDENTAL DC BAN? fucking criminal

  3. Yea for me it's I play this game casually now and I already have everything so I am not going to play a match against a knight because my blood pressure is going to go through the roof.

  4. I feel like Bhvr tried harder to fix things about killer/maps/perks back when DC penalty wasn't a thing. Now it feels like an excuse to just release lazy and frustrating content and pretend everythings fine. People used to DC against OG Freddy en masse due to his incredibly boring neverending chases, despite being the weakest killer.

    I don't play super sweaty anymore and play solo and despite the solo buffs it still feels miserable.. When I hear a Spirit Phase I literally do not even want to play the game anymore. I feel like I find every other killer released now to just be boring to play as and awful to play against. It used to be maybe 1 bad chapter a year, now we're lucky if it isn't 3-4.

    Also how have they not added survivor bots that have been in private matches for a while now to replace a DC?

  5. Ever since the skull merchant came put i keep getting ramdoms dissconects from host mid match. I don't even get a dc penalty because the game knows its their fault. This makes the game unplayable for me and it sucks because i loose all bps and xp for the match. So alot of those dcs might just be host issues. I know alot of ps5 players have this issue .

  6. What about the survivors that hide in corner maps and basements and closets pretty much no objectives getting done just more so handicapping your own team hoping they can die just to find a hatch

    I dealt with that 5 times last night

  7. how to make dbd better. make the game fun. make it how it used to be. stop nerfing half decent perks and instead add or buff perks that are rendered completely useless.

  8. My issue is that both sides can do it immediately (for example Survivors will DC fast if they hear a Nurse or see Skull Merchant), so my solution is that for Survivor they can only DC on Death Hook & for Killer they can only DC after 3 gens have been done.

    That way there’s a chance that both sides can give the game a chance before leaving if things go wrong.

    Otherwise I’m completely fine with how DCing works right now.

  9. These are good ideas, but you're missing one issue that no one really touches on.
    Everyone (except the DC person) should really get their offerings, items, and addons back when someone DC's. It really fuckin' sucks to set up Jumpscare Myers only for people to leave and ruin it.

  10. the matchmaking timer after DCing used to hurt me so badly because my internet connection was terrible, and it would randomly kick me from matches with no warning. so i'd end up having half hour or even full hour long match ban from no fault of my own, just my horrid internet connection.

    i always felt terrible for everyone else because of the effects of disconnecting when i wasnt trying to.


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