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INTERESING DREDGE BUILD! Dead by Daylight I’m live right now! get on over here – FOLLOW …


5 thoughts on “INTERESING DREDGE BUILD! Dead by Daylight”

  1. I have always understood why Tru3 plays the way he does as killer and todays games have proven that fact very very well to me. Going against survivors who loop perfectly, hug the walls perfectly, try and dead hard the last trickster knife, and stupidly efficient on gens. This event isn't helping matters as I have noticed in past events like this it brings out the sweatiest motherfuckers around. My best game today was a 1k with 7 hooks and that was only because trickster is a boss when it comes to trading. I don't tunnel as I enjoy going after multiple people and the chases but good god when my first chase means 1 gen done and 3 others at 50% then I guess I have to turn to the darkside.

  2. At 5:30 you should've taken the stairs down to the window vault.. she should've taken the upstairs window.. if she hit a fast vault no one would've gotten hit there I don't think. Hard to tell with nightfall. But tru3 had more distance on the killer. He should've given her the upstairs window for max efficiency

  3. This makes me think how interesting or difficult the game would turn to if auras between survivors couldn't be seen. Being hooked, downed, etc. For solos I'm sure it'd be difficult, but if there was the option for those in a group.


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