Deathslinger isn't "garbage." | Dead by Daylight

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Deathslinger has received some nerfs recently, mixed with a handful of buffs and a lot of people have been overreacting about him. I wanted to express my opinion in this video and explain why I believe the claims that Deathslinger is garbage, or the weakest killer in the game, are just wrong. He could use some more changes, but he isn’t a bad killer. Let’s discuss the Deathslinger in Dead by Daylight.
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20 thoughts on “Deathslinger isn't "garbage." | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Okay, but like they got rid of his stealth aspect so it's ruined that playstyle. We know that this is his playstyle with the terror radius addons. But they nerfed him to a 32 radius when he's as slow as the other ranged killers. His 1v4 is absolute garbage still, give him 2 shots, faster reload, and a longer range, give him a cool down between his shots so he can't just double shoot someone.

    He's not garbage but he feels like a worse huntress a lot of the time.

  2. This is my take:

    With the changes he feels more rewarding to play, and even fun sometimes which is rare in this game. His addons are somewhat better now, too.

    However, I think a 32m radius is a bit much, especially considering the gun doesn't always verify the hit.

    Overall I think it's a good change, but he feels slow and clunky if not rewarding.

  3. The big issue with the majority of any reaction to changes that bhvr makes is that the community gets carried away with those reactions and blows it out of proportion

    Yes slinger is clunkier feeling, but only if you try to quickscope
    He is performing just fine.

  4. If they nerfed him to change his gameplay style, at the very least they should have given him 4.6m speed boost.

    His usage of power (aim-shoot-drag-hit-reload) takes too long, and his longe range attack in itself can't get an assured down, so what advantages does he have compared to trickster and huntress?

  5. He's garbage and you know why he's garbage? Because why the fuck would you EVER play him over every other range killer now?
    1. He isn't stealthy anymore.
    2. He can't quick scope, one of the few unique aspects about him over other ranged killers
    What is the point of playing him? Huntress can throw her hatchets accross the map. Trickster can almost insta down someone from full health if they vault or walk in a straight line, what the fuck does Deathslinger do that these 2 don't outperform? He can't even hit over a pallet and has 18m range while also stunning himself when his chain breaks. The least they could of done was let him keep his Stealth.
    Actually think about Deathslingers nerf and think about what he now brings to the table other killers don't do better.
    He was a B tier killer, yet you are cool with him being absolutely gutted with a triple nerf in one patch.
    "These complaints about his nerf came out of absolutely no where" It's almost like the people who played him didn't want their character destroyed.
    So I guess I'll just be a Blight/Nurse main like everyone else and slug everyone like a douche bag because that's apparently what people want.

  6. I play Deathslinger on console and I'm personally happy he has counterplay. I don't really notice the 0.4sec ads time, but the survivors do and finally can play around it. Kind of like Huntress, I have to predict if they will try to juke the shot which provides more fun and interesting gameplay for me personally. I really like that they gave him increased movement speed when aiming as it gives me an incentive to aim and get a proper shot when needed without losing so much distance. So as a dude that plays a lot of Trickster and Deathslinger, their changes have made me happy overall.

  7. i play a lot of huntress so it does feel like dogshit when i play him, even though i could obv shoot better. Before i first played him i simply expected him to be able get a lot of long ranged, hard to hit, shots. Almost just feels like a worse huntress now.

  8. Tbh I never really played deathslinger all to often it wasn’t because i didn’t like him I just played other killers, to be fair I probably gotten better with him now since it’s like a blank sleight for me, the thing that irritates me is the fact he didn’t get any overall good buffs in compensation like the stun buff is good butt your only ever really going to see that if your running save the best for last and the movement speed but while aiming isn’t really all to big I feel like maybe a reloading speed buff or maybe even a second shot would be better ( the second shot idea could be op tho)

  9. I think a lot of the people who are reacting this way just legitimately haven't experienced old slinger. For anyone with any sense of fair gameplay you could obviously see the flaws in how slinger won in almost every scenario he was in. Although sometimes in the dbd community "fair" means getting a free win.

  10. He can still zone really well. The only thing the changes really accomplished was removing his ability to quickscope. The thing is quickscoping was his one gimmick that made him unique and carved out a niche for him in any way. He was stripped of his gameplay identity. Now he’s just boring for both sides.

  11. Im not expecting a shooter, but he has too many moments where he feels slowwwww. I could care less about everything else but at least make him feel like someone who knows how to handle a gun and doesn't have stiff shoulders :(. I find myself saying "man this feels clunky" way too many times

  12. The people complaining about DeathSlinger pre and post patch are two different groups. My take, while I think its fair to say the Deathslinger was unfair in the 1v1 pre-nerf, BHVR's adjustments were complete overkill. Deathslinger may have been oppressive in the 1v1, but he is slow as hell and had no map pressure. Right now feels terrible to play. He already wasn't an amazing killer but now it feels much worse. I'll be dropping him for now. There are killers who are just objectively better than him with the same zoning playstyle.

  13. I'd say that while I understand the ADS nerf, the TR nerf was kinda uncalled for on top of that. The two of them comined removed literally any reason to play him when both of the other 110 projectile killers do pretty much everything that he does, but far better.

    It's possible to work around clunk, but having no gameplay identity for him to carve a niche? Now that's garbage.

  14. I really do not like these changes. You make a lot of points that seem good, but then really get to the crux of the issue at the end of the video.

    Firstly, the terror radius nerf is devastating for Deathslinger, and I mean this with no hyperbole. I am a survivor main and Deathslinger was my favorite killer to play when I played killer and I can tell you the easiest and most effective way to beat Deathslinger is to hold W away from him. He is slow and his gun has a limited range so holding W has always destroyed him. Now with the terror radius nerf, you have the ability to get even more distance than before and this is horrible for the slinger.

    Secondly, the Deathslinger was balanced and fair due to my first point and his horrible time efficiency. His reeling and reloading made him balanced even in his old state. These two factors make him take a lot of time to actually down and hook survivors. No other ranged killer has such bad time efficiency, the huntress hits you with two hatchets and you are down end of story. The Trickster hits you with 12 knives you are down end of story. There is a lot of interplay with Deathslinger's projectile that made it balanced despite its seeming advantages over the other two ranged killers.

    And finally, the final point I would make is that these nerfs did not fundamentally change Deathslinger and how he is played, but instead made him feel clunky and unfun while still retaining many of the complaints survivors had. Windows are still a death sentence and he can still zone you, the only thing these nerfs have done is make an already underused killer feel less good to use. In my view, Deathslinger was a perfectly balanced killer before the nerfs and survivors who did not know how to play against him just needed to learn to hold the W key. And if you say that having the best counter play against a killer be holding W is bad design, then we ought to nerf Pyramid Head, Nemesis, Huntress, Trickster, Clown, and Doctor as the best counter play against them is holding W as well (Not to mention some of them can zone like Deathslinger). In his current state Deathslinger is a clunky and unfun killer who is simply outshone by his ranged contemporaries, which is a shame as before he was intuitive, unique, and satisfying to use.


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