Deathslinger with lore-based Build | Dead by Daylight

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This is a match we played using the Deathslinger’s perks from our “Lore Accurate Killer Builds” video. The build itself is rather pointless but the match was very entertaining so I thought I’d share it with you all. 😊

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Thumbnail 3D render by the lovely Ev3ntic:


39 thoughts on “Deathslinger with lore-based Build | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Mmr is so rigged
    I have 60 hours in game
    Gets matches with 800s etc
    Hmm yes my skill level indeed

    When playing survivor i do get matched with survivors of my prestine skill but then the killer jas the 800

  2. Only perk we got explained was Nemesis, which is a perk dedicated to vengeance. In this game, we see Otz get his rightful vengeance against Claudette. And turns out you didn’t even get the map through an offering!

    Very lore accurate game Otz

  3. Not only do both the map and the build fit Caleb's lore, but the "story" of this match is also remarkably fitting;

    Despite Caleb's ingenuity, the people around him- in this case, the Survivors- doubt his abilities and see him as incapable or unthreatening. They mock and wrong him, and while some get away with it- Jill, and by the skin of her teeth no less- Caleb's fury at being wronged comes back in the form of bitterly brutal revenge. Their arrogance turns into fumbling mistakes, their hubris becoming their literal death as The Deathslinger hunts them down.

    This match perfectly allegories Caleb's story.

  4. I just hate how I have less then 100h in the game and most of it on survivor and I get matched with over 1000h survs when I play the killer. That's not the worst of it because its a challenge and I can learn from it, but getting tbaged, click clacked and then shit talked after the game is so disheartening

  5. huh. the deathslinger also had 3 kills in his lore: the prison warden, henry bayshore, and that guy he accidently gutted during the prototype phase of his speargun.

    i know it's technically the prisoners that killed the warden and bayshore, but deathslinger is the one that's responsible for them being in that vulnerable spot in the first place.

  6. Tinkerer+ torment on myers helps you stay invisible the entire game since he already is undetectable, also add exposed totem and nobody escapes death so you can trap them all end game in case you don't catch a few!!!! Works like a charm!!

  7. A good game that highlights why core Deathslinger is one of, if not THE worst killer in the game.
    And before some brain donor points out the flipping obvious "But he got 3 kills!", notice how he did that: Camped a Claudette for two hook stages during endgame collapse and farmed the other two surv kills off their altruism. Literally ANY killer can do that the way he did; Deathslinger's power never came into relevance there.

    And frankly, that Claudette deserved her hubris; she popped the gate open way, WAY too early, while injured, in the open, and in chase. This forced her team into a really bad position assuming they wanted to save her. (and all but Jill did) This game could have easily ended in a 3-1 survivor victory, and we wouldn't be seeing this video on YT right now. (only Jill had the right idea; I would have been pretty mad at that Claudette for doing what she did. She should have left the tile to go heal after tanking a hit while body blocking Otz at the corner of that building)

    But the rest of the match? Near-perfect counterplay against Deathslinger. Ducking shots, looping him around gapped terrain, tempting bad shot after bad shot (that wouldn't have been a problem with the old instant-aim-shot; only a skill test) keeping distance and using walls to mitigate many of the shots that did land.
    Small wonder they were acting so smug; they were in total control for 95% of that match. By the time Otz got his 3rd hook, the survs were damned near done with gens.

  8. They’re doing a Handonfield rework (FINALLY) & it is very refreshing to see even you have tough games sometimes. Survivors can be such annoying attention whore with their flashlights & tea bagging.

  9. nemesis lore accurate build: nemesis, lethal pursuer addons are Iridescent Umbrella Badge and NE-a Parasite
    you only need 2 perks because you are nemesis, and your the lethal pursuer to find and finish off the last of the S.T.A.R.S agents, as to which is jill valentine (or chris redfield, but jill is easier to find, and is heavily lore related, nemesis doesnt even know who anyone is except for jill valentine. your offering would be ivory memento mori and tunnel her to say S.T.A.R.S
    this is the only point and time where i accept tunneling, even if your playing executioner and the survivor is cheryl mason
    this is the ultimate lore related nemesis gameplay, tunnel a jill, and mori her like nemesis did to me in my inferno mode run… my god that run was painful, i had to last resort and fill my inventory with coins


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