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#dbdgameplay #desync #lag
On this episode of our Dead by Daylight commentary videos, we cover the recent reappearance of desync in the game and how it’s affecting players right now!
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►Video Song: White Bat Audio – New Beginnings
►Ending Song: FSM Team – Eternal Spring
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Sees Perry the Platypus without a hat.
"What? Thats just a normal Platypus."
Perry puts on his Hat.
"Perry the Platypus!"
(Not sure what happened but gotta keep the reference. Well I dont but I want to hehe.)
nice video
I’m done playing till this shit is fixed had a game where Billy chainsaw sprints into a wall he’s still in the recovery animation I go left and then he teleports around the wall an I’m downed smfh. I’m tired of giving these devs passes every time there is a slight inconvenience it’s way too common for stuff.
I've had a few matches just tonight where it looked like survivors had old Dead Hard because of desync and it was tripping me out
There's always a problem with dbd every update but at least we got coffee
I have been experiencing the desync issues quite a bit and it is extremely frustrating when it happens. I will just about get a down and suddenly rubberband back 3-5 seconds in a chase and then get completely disorientated from it. The worst part about it is the undue rage and abuse I have gotten from some survivors in post game lobbies caused by it's effect and them just not understanding what the issue is. So they just blame the killer. Well I don't blame them for being frustrated by it, I wish they better understood the issue before just raging at people.
I appreciate you shedding some light on this issue. I hope BHVR is able to address whatever issues are causing it again in a more timely manner.
Idk if this is a dsync issue but the past couple days i feel like my basic attacks aren’t connecting when they should, like it’s like my attack is just sliding off of them, they r right in front of me in line with my attack and it just doesn’t hit, I swing and it’s on top of them but it never connects
game is awful, getting flicky movement on my mouse sometimes and sometimes small freezes. and i didnt even talk about bs hits. and lets not forget how nemesis animation is bugged since the killer release and never fixed.
What really annoys me is there are still a lot of people who think high ping and desync doesn't matter – or is even GOOD for killers. Maybe years ago when the game was P2P, but not now. You ever try to land deathslinger shots against someone with 300 ping? Or try to hit someone vaulting a pallet, but the game rubber bands and somehow they phase through you and you hit the pallet? feels bad, man.
This explains so much…
same problem with nemi tentacle going through people but not hitting them or I get a hit at a window I shouldn't have very inconsistent
There's no way BHVR is not aware of the situation. Whether they'll admit to it or not is another issue altogether…
0:26 it’s not weird that it happened twice. It’s weird that it hasn’t happened more often. It’s supposed to be a meme, but it’s true more often than not: every time Bhvr releases a new update or event, something else has to break. Just so happened to be desync twice in short succession
I got so worried when I first noticed my ping suddenly reaching 720 and the game becoming virtually unplayable thinking it was me, restarted my internet and everything. Then I went to watch Twitch and it was happening to everyone lol
"I think we did a pretty good job so far" – Mathieu Coté
No wonder why a lot of times when my Sadako was almost sticking survivors' back and yet my lunge didn't hit them
Loving my beautiful matchmaking lockup because I “disconnected from host.” 🥲
Once it started it was literally every single game I would get kicked. Cause my damn internets not garbage? Cause I have good ping?
slams head in confusion and then finding this and being mad that it’s the servers being le shit as usual.
I'm a huntress main too. I recently been using a new build I'm working on that relies on iri hatchet head. I had a game against a somewhat(?) bully squad. Now I'm not someone to cry about "Bully squads" since most often they just throw the game and give me a 4k/3k because they wanna Blind and stun me. But in that game I had 12 (Yes 12) Hit confirmations. That was incredibly frustrating due to me using Iri hatchet head so I got scammed out of 12 downs. Now I still won that game due to a lucky basement play but it was VERY frustrating. Made me stop playing for the day. I know this is a extreme example due to me being incredibly unlucky and getting so many hit confirmations and some people wont belive me and thats fine. But I really hope that this gets fixed soon. Because if not I'm taking a break from DbD because that makes me not enjoy the game that I very dearly love.
So this is dsync issue, i thought it was me lagging, like my ping are around 100+, not the great but get the job done, after the update i twice i think it on me, hitting trapper Basic attack, it make survivor noises hurt and i got myself wiping the blood, and suddenly they nowhere to be found, like i was 2-3 second lag behind the player
"im the nenomorf" – the branryo
8 year nurse main here, and its also happening with Blinks to varying degrees which is super frustrating. Small blinks seem to have less of a range sometimes, ranged blink hits gave a ton of issues too regarding hits going through people. Had a moment where I blinked right on someone and hit them. it made the smoosh sound, the hit didn't give me a health state immediately, they elastic banded behind me, and then took the damage.. like what?! At first I was thinking I was rusty with my blinks after taking a couple days off my nurse to play chucky, but nope its just the game lolol
Ill forgive bhvr for all of this if they give us a swamp rework by next chapter release
Desync never left! I have suffered through it since dedicated servers were added. I am now celebrating everyone else finally experiencing it so the devs may actually put in effort to fix it this time. Most issues in DBD could be solved with a higher server tick rate other than the bugs connected to the desync. Hopefully, they will address both.
Not sure if the new gen-bug is related to this or not, but I'll notice the gen pop sound going off when no gens have been completed, and I'll also notice gens being completed with no gen pop sound or visual.
There has always been the issue but every update it gets worst. Seriously tho the hitbox robbery has been hell
Yep I've been having bad rubberbanding/teleporting/getting hit from a mile away and lobbies where 3-4 players have ping around 150. In these matches the game also pulls me off actions constantly, as much as every second, so I literally can't do gens/heal/unhook. Combined with the current "give up" epidemic, I'm really not wanting to play right now. I hope they can resolve this before the Halloween event.
I smack em, they bleed, they scream, they completely fine, I get stunned
I thought that Nancy was hacking last night. I tunneled her out and hit her on hook 😢
I had a match on Swamp where a pallet was blocked by an invisible wall again
I've had a thing where my Desync causes my survivor to run into a wall for the killer while im still looping, the killer can interact with my survivor during this time with myself teleporting back to the place of the desync after 10+ seconds, nearly always after i get downed. This is becoming common for me and its really messing me up.