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Play who you vs with an “interesting” Myers build lol
I’m live right now! get on over here –
#tru3ta1ent #dbd #deadbydaylight #myers #playwhoyouvs
His "oh shits its Myers" is the exact reaction I hope I get out of people when I play as him. Won't happen to most but when it does it really is a feel good type of feeling
hope youre good Tru3
I like the survivor to killer who you came across videos. Unique.
That Claudette was crazy
20:34 What's wrong with that Claudette? LOL
The last week whenever I've played I've been consistently getting some pretty bad lag. Not the worst I've ever seen, but it's so consistent it hasn't been worth playing for me.
i miss the for 2-for-1 videos. More survivor, pls!
I feel like it’s more people playin with VPN and entering servers that their not regionally apart of, because I can barely play with people with that stupid little Icon that shows they’re on a different console and I have decent internet but I’m always yellow barring now, and I see especially more often the Killers connection signal as well
Love play who you vs series 🎉
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just lol, been long enough since screwed around with survivor i completely forgot my go-to 32m wallhacks around a hook of kinship + open handed is a thing, things like that exist in the game and yet the constant never-ending tsunami of bullsh#$ from massively survivor biased players about everything, jesus christ.. the ones that called me 'stupid shitty killer main' for saying i ran ds-deliverance and turned killer 2-4k's into 0k's in the endgame via the guaranteed escape, amazing..
like yeah solo low-mid mmr is rough, but it's 90% that majority of survivors are painfully bad + have zero killer experience
Hell yeah, "two match a video" format
It's working, this is a thing