These Perks Could Ruin Dead by Daylight For You

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I hope you enjoy the video!
0:00 Intro
0:40 Missconceptions
2:55 Matchmaking Brackets
5:08 The flaws of the system
1:26 Skill Based Matchmaking Explained
7:09 Possible ways to improve
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28 thoughts on “These Perks Could Ruin Dead by Daylight For You”

  1. This is exactly how I've stopped being annoyed at NOED and just started laughing now. Sure, they can run NOED and get their precious 4k, but they'll soon end up going against teams who will destroy them even with NOED and then they'll start whining about survivors being OP, and I can't wait for them to reach that point.

  2. 2:28 well this explains a lot I honestly thought I was just getting toxic d bags turns out their in the same boat as me gotta sweat for success but still to those of you who choose to just hide after you 3 gen yourselves rather than play the game are the reason we killers just tunnel certain people out especially the ones who hide in a closest and send hate mail because their swf got clapped

  3. I agree one minute I’m having fun next I’m going against some dude clicking flashlights and stalking me the killer and being as toxic as possible I’ve learned quickly to ignore them and go for everyone else while being mindful of where they are

  4. This was my theory as well with killers always saying the need perks like noed or they need to tunnel and camp because of the survivors they’re up against are super sweaty but it’s the fact they’ve pushed themselves into the wrong mmr bracket for their actual skill level (same with passive survivors)
    The ‘must win’ mentality is how a lot of players end up in the wrong bracket and start hating the game or getting super frustrated with it. Gotta be more ok with losing when you’re outclassed so you don’t end up in the wrong bracket

  5. i was so shocked to see that MMR is still, 3 years later, based entirely on kills/escapes

    the fact that survivor MRR is entirely dependent on escapes means that aggressive, chase-centered players will end up in lower MMR, since taking lots of chases means you're more likely to die. this means they will, on average, be matched against worse killers than survivors with weaker chase skill, which means that killer players will inevitably run into a wall where nearly every survivor they chase is way better than they are and it's impossible to get any downs. all because the MMR system doesn't respect DBD's complexity. lol

  6. there are only 2 brackets (gives us casual and competitive already) sliced in twain by this mmr treshold fore me. the moment you cross that line (beginners/everyone else) it instantly becomes a sweaty cesspool, this is why i keep my own mmr low to meme and play casual, destroy your mmr i'd say but dont throw games too hard , farm a little bit as killer, soloQ is a nightmare in higher mmr, been there, done that

    I asked on the forums about more info about this mmr system the devs are desperate to keep using but nada (recent thing was increasing this threshold but thats it, not even a official post but just a random reply from one of the mods)

  7. Me who runs distortion and is actually really good in chase: Guy I swear I'm good in chase, mostly, I just run distortion because anti aura reading so I can call out to my teammates things like bbq, lethal, nowhere to hide, gearhead, etc

  8. To me it looks like the devs themselves dont play their own game enough to understand the players. Then they create shietty MMR system like this not even thinking about main purposes of survivors etc. It's kinda shame

  9. I used to play in a 3-4 man swf for months, now I'm back to solo for the last few months and I think I'm stuck in that bracket because I escape 10-20% of matches at the very most. Have other people experienced something similar?

  10. This both makes sense, and doesn't make sense.

    For a while, I had a fairly good streak on killer, not all 4ks but a fair amount of "wins" and "draws" overall. Then, I hit the cringe lobbies, and I would run maybe 5 or 6 games in a row where I got 1 kill if I was lucky out of all 6 games. Then I'd get back to that fairly simple/easy 4k game, a few times maybe, then stuck again in cringe lobbies. This feels exactly like the Call of Duty SBMM, where you win one really hard, do really well, then follow up with a game or two of getting dumpstered and wanting to uninstall. The difference here is once you hit the "It's time to make you want to uninstall" threshold you're stuck there for a while until it is done with you.

    But…my survivor is a different story. It has been consistent, and not in a good way. I can confidently say my escape rate (in the past 6 months) is below 20%. I should be dropping. Like, into newbie territory at this rate. I can count on two hands the escapes I've had that weren't just the killer DCing. And a lot of those were hatch escapes where I saw we were losing and played for hatch when the killer was chasing the last other injured survivor. But here I am, still getting paired vs killers with 10x to 15x my hours running p100 cherry blossom Spirit or some oppressive variant of blight, wesker or cucky (Yes I know its chucky but he's a cuck). Literally getting slugged to death by OnePumpWillie during his 50+ win streak on singularity. We're talking like…potentially Soft Cap levels of ELO when a majority of my teammates (myself included) play like brainless idiots and all of us die 4 games out of 5. I should have dropped by now to some more casual level. It's not like I am playing in high MMR SWF's either, I am entirely soloqueue warrior here. I don't have any friends to play DBD with.

  11. I'm a vet casual player (Playing since clown release) and before dropping dbd i made this "theory". As a killer your job is have enough pressure to not let the survivor open the exit gates, and in the past even whit a low tier base kit (like the trapper one, or the old wraith) was still possible because the people weren't skillful enough to understand how the game works. But now even whit gen regression perks you could get easily gen rushed for simple math, to do a gen it takes 90 seconds, if you do the same gen whit a surv it go faster than before and if the killer go check the gen it makes pressure on 2 survs if there isn't a third person in chase already. But if the 2 survs make 2 different gens they are making almost 2 times faster than doing 2 gens together, and on top of that if one of them gets interrupted by the killer, the other one probabily will finish the first gen he was doing and whit coms/team info perks the surv not chased can finish the 2nd gen. And since even the chases i see takes 60 sec if it goes in the avg, in 30 sec the killer must pick up the downed surv, search a hook, hook the surv and if the killer have aura reading or he's just lucky he can try to interrupt the gen, which it will be nearly done, making from my point of view killer much harder and surv even if they int is still winnable. I bet i have forgot something but i'm too tired to read all the comment so i will leave a little recap of what i was wanting to say: Make working on the same gen more rewarding or punishing working different gens at the same time


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