Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Here’s my second game with Pinhead, the new upcoming Dead by Daylight Killer. I am also giving some of my first impressions throughout the video, hope you’ll enjoy! 🔴 Streamed live at 👇
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First I love you man
This killer looks fun to play
Another teleporting killer bruh
What means those chains on the survivor by the hud?
They really nailed this killer
I think he can potentially be better pick than nurse or atleast a catalyst for baby nurse players who want that same satisfaction of playing a teleporting killer.
His animations are abilities are very pretty l, I dislike his movies in general though they’re super abstract and weird, and yeah about the box thing and how the devs should’ve thought about that, remember it’s the same devs that did the locker thing with the twins lol
Hey at least this time they recicled nurse power instead of the infection mechanic 😂
The wolf with the heart is so cute
I love the new wolf icon! So adorable!