"Chaos Shuffle" – New Dead by Daylight Game Mode

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48 thoughts on “"Chaos Shuffle" – New Dead by Daylight Game Mode”

  1. What be cool is maybe if the perks randomize happens after the survivor gets hook, both for the survivor and for the killer, so it shuffles at beginning of match and also every time you get hooked and or the killer get a hook.

  2. "random perks" shows a huge hole in bhvr balance where using perks as a balance crutch is a problem.

    The example being "tunneling" will be alot less risky when you know people aren't actively choosing anti tunnel perks.

    Hopefully they balance the game core mechanics better soon because Id love a random perks mode to stay

  3. for some reason, the all random loadout that appeared in the tome as a challenge it never worked when playing killer for me. I would select it, start a match and my perks wouldn't change but it would show that they did only in the endgame screen, I even tried to removing all the perks, but still nothing, so in this mode I can finally try a killer game with random build
    (for survivor it did work it's the killers that didn't)

  4. I feel like it should take on a bit of a Warioware vibe, you know? A series of quick mini-games that each last a few seconds with events based on perks. Maybe a dead hard minigame where each survivor has one dead hard each and if the killer hits their dead hard they get it back and also get a point but if the killer has better timing then the killer gets a point. Or maybe make a series of vaults and pallets where the Legion has to hit survivors as many times as possible to get points, but the minigame ends when the survivors drop a pallet on the Legion to stun him out of his power. Maybe a minigame where there are a bunch of items around a tree that the killer defends and each survivor runs at like 200% movement speed, each swooping in to try to grab the items before the killer hits them with a weapon attack. Maybe a minesweeper-esque minigame where survivors must run from one area of the map to another, but a bunch of bear traps are set around in tall grass that they have to navigate around while the killer chases them.

  5. I've always thought survivor was much more miserable without perks personally. Killers can alter there play styles or just play like any of the top 5 killers and you'll be A-ok without slow downs. Playing survivor though is rough like the Lights Out game mode I got slugged TONS because killers knew survivors had zero ways of picking themselves up. Tunneling, Slugging, and Camping you need perks against. There's really no way to alter your individual play style to adjust like you can with Killer.

  6. Whenever someone gets hooked the hookee and the killers perks are completely randomized. Or even more insane the killer is randomized every time they hook someone. They’d have to remove a lot of mechanics though sadly.

  7. I think a 5v2 with 6 survivors and one killer, one of the survivors being an imposter would be great. 2 killers would be very hard to balance but i think having an imposter survivor (like how some people play already), where the imposter receives the same blood points as the killer at the end of the game would be fun.

  8. hot take: it isnt ranked and is clearly a mode to jus have fun in where everyone has random shi, so maybe have fun? and not min max in a mode that isnt supposed to be so serious?

  9. Randomised perks, items, addons, skins and charms all need to be regular buttons in the interface and not "game modes", I'm hoping this is something else. I mean you can randomise all those things yourself it's just slow with the current interface. Game modes are meant to be something you can't normally experience in DBD.

  10. How about survivors get shown their three random perks and then can select their last one, allowing for synergy. Killers get shown their two random perks and can select their final two.

    They would be shown their perks once the pre-game 60s timer starts, but would be penalized for leaving and re-joining trying to get a 'lucky roll'.

  11. Just wish they would add the perk randomizer into the game by default like on the perk menu right beside search a button that gives you random perks that you cant see till the match starts


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