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Today I play as Mikaela Reid in Dead by Daylight on the new chapter on the PTB, I hope you enjoy!

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Outro Song – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEDWkhBL9g4

Hope you enjoyed!



  1. Right okay, so if a killer has noed, but all totems except one boon totem have been destroyed, will noed still work and override the boon totem or will it be the equivalent of cleansing all 5 so they get no value?

  2. C'est drôle, les main killer pleurent pour les boon totem qui sont "abuser" alors que le sort est actif sur une certaine zone seulement, le tueur peut casser la bénédiction en moins d'1 sec (donc même pendant une chase) et les sort sont pour le moment pas "extrement fort". Cependant on ne les entend pas pleurer quand ils ont un sort qui leur permet de réduire un gen 200% + rapidement sans même avoir besoin de le kick… Certain demande même à avoir ruine de base, bref les main killer pleure encore + que les surv mtn 🙃

  3. Let's be honest, devs gave survivors the opportunity to put boon perks again and again after they're cleansed to test them on ptb, but they're too powerful and need to work as normal hex perks for killers, meaning that once they're cleansed they're gone.

  4. My idea to balance boon totems coming from someone who plays both sides equally. You’re a champ if you read it all

    Hex Totems must be cleansed before placing a boon totem.

    Infinite boon placement needs to be reworked. After a totem is used X amount of times(X being a number 3-5 based on PTB data) that totem breaks. This would creat interesting strategy decisions for killers with perks like Hex: Plaything and Hex: No One Escapes Death where they need to keep totems on the map to use them; forcing them to ignore boons. It would also cause survivors to be more strategic with timing and placement of boon totems.

    There needs to be a consequence or risk/reward factor for using a boon. Killers take a Hex perk with the risk of it being permanently disabled losing an entire perk slot with the reward of the perk affecting the entire game. There is no risk/reward factor for boons. In the near future a survivor could possibly have 8 active perks while in range of a boon while killers are maxed at 4 permanently losing their hex. 1 of 2 things could add risk: 1. After a survivor blesses a totem, they suffer the oblivious status affect for X amount of time. 2. A 6-8% time penalty is added for each time a totem is re-blessed. If a totem takes 15 seconds to bless, the second time it takes ≈ 17, the third ≈ 19.5. If option 1 is unwelcome, it should definitely be made as a Hex Perk for killer. “Hex: Diluted Blessings: Survivors within range of an active boon totem suffer from the oblivious status affect.”

    As long as one of these changes were implemented, then I would also suggest an increased time for killers to disable boon totems.

    If balance changes like this are implemented before the addition of more boon perks; the foundation would be more balanced. Would avoid BHVR having to make huge tweaks to individual boon perks in the future.


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