DID I CONFUSE YOU! Dead by Daylight

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8 thoughts on “DID I CONFUSE YOU! Dead by Daylight”

  1. The tournament rules oh god… 8 round Single elimination. no green+ items/addons, win by survivors escaping with a tiebreaker of the killer's Sacrifice emblem and a 2nd tiebreaker of bloodpoints, a pool of 4 seemingly randomly selected killers that changes each round (except round 5, which has 6 for some reason), and a few smaller details that only stick out to me as someone who grew up around TOs

  2. At the start of the video you said that you wanted people to challenge your points, but I tend to only watch your youtube content, so I was hoping I would be able to do that here? Like, for the most part, I 100% agree that the patch is much more survivor than killer sided, but I feel like I disagree with several of the points I've seen brought up in a number of videos.

    1. "There is no reason to have Unbreakable at base." I have seen you acknowledge comments on how to "balance" UB at base and laugh them off, saying there was no point to having it in the first place and moving on. And from a balancing perspective? I 100% agree with you. On the contrary, I feel like this imbalances things far too much on the side of the survivor. However, I feel like the main reason for this change is not for balance, it's because being slugged on the ground for 3 minutes straight being a game mechanic is genuinely bad game design. There is nothing enjoyable about being slugged, and this change seems to be trying to address that. Now, I am not saying that UB at base was the only possible way to address this problem, but it is probably the most intuitive way, which is why I feel that a lot of people want to gravitate towards "balancing UB at base," and why simply dismissing it as "there's no reason to talk about it because it's a bad inclusion" is not a great argument. At least not when another solution isn't being proposed. Now, once again, I do think there could be other methods of fixing the issue. Halving the time it takes to bleed out would also help alleviate this problem, albeit in favor for killers. I'm not saying that's a great alternative, but simply pointing out that other options to fix the poor game design of 3 minute slugging do exist.

    2. Whenever I see you talk about UB at base, you almost always seem to emphasize the 22.5 seconds of UB more than the 45 seconds. But….that's not UB at base, that's the UB perk. And a lot of your "let's see if this chase is under the UB at base threshold" actually are under that threshold….or right on the dot. It's the 22.5 seconds that almost never pans out. Now, I'm not saying UB at base doesn't have its issues, but the perk seems to be the thing you consider mostly problematic, and while the UB perk changes are happening due to UB at base, if your primary concern is everyone running the perk after these changes drop, then UB at base does literally nothing.

    3. As for the perk, I do agree that it's going to be busted….but I actually disagree with the reason. Current UB is 24 seconds, and while UB ABSOLUTELY did not need a buff, 22.5 seconds isn't going to be what makes the perk busted. If it was, then Unbreakable in the game now would be just as much of an issue. What's going to make it busted it's the fact that it works infinitely now. If the devs had made it so survivors only benefited from it once, then I think it would go the way of DS, where most survivors would claim it's trash while it really wasn't and never use it. But the fact it's unlimited means that you can get so much use out of that 22.5 second timer that it'll be insane, especially for SWFs. So….I guess I agree with the outcome, just not what seems to be talked about it the most.

    And….sorry for the essay. I've just heard the same or similar arguments for a lot of these time and again and really wanted to put my own 2 cents into it. I really enjoy your content btw! Just was hoping to get my own thoughts into words.


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