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I think hours are just something people wear as a badge to flex when it comes to a broader majority of the community. I don't think it really matters tbh, sure someone who has more hours are going to understand more about a game because they have played it more, but at some point putting thousands of hours into any game becomes redundant.
For me, I see my hours as nostalgic.
From the days of running blindly into the fog,
To my first match as the killer, I got 2 suvrs as old wraithy ^-^,
Then, slowly learning what perks I enjoyed & despised, Im looking at old dying light
The loss of my month's worth of progress due to the save bug twice;-;
and many more stories I could talk your ear off.
I don't see it as a badge like most people do; in fact, my friends make fun of me all the time & when I hit 10k, they will pay for me to seek therapy.
Yet, they are probably correct, as I am loopy about this game & wouldn't have it any other way.
The answer is no. I have almost 5000 hours and I still suck 💀
I have more in game hours than you but I still learn new things from you about the game of DBD
shoutouts to my old swf teammate, who didn't know that you can reveal GhostFace (with 1k hours) ant that Pyramid Head gets a noise notification when you get someone out of the cage (with 2k hours)
I wrote it under an other video, but I think we need to look at how the hours are spent into the game, not at the raw number. I had a 2k hours swf teammate when I started the game and could learn much much faster, as I usually would (and tbh the new player experience is still bad, I might have quit the game without my old team).
2 years ago it was super important when you give a balance take that you tell that you play both sides, so that people would take you serious…hours are just the new epitome of it.
I'm not even thirty and already essentially wear bifocals with the reaction time of a 94 year old. So for me… Imma say no. I assume my MMR is probably just a laughing emoji.
People online are insufferable, as a rule. Very bad. I do not recommend them
I STG people will say "oh this guy only has 500 hours he cant be that good" but coming from a background of games where min-maxxing is everything, this game only takes about 100 hours to figure out how to play it properly, on steam i was beating 3k-5k hour survivors as a 750 hour killer, there comes a sort of wall you hit when playing dbd where you can ONLY get so good at it
I think people take hours way to far. I have under 800 hours, I still win most of my games, I can play a handful of killers pretty well. I've never felt like I couldn't go up against someone with more hours because it doesn't matter. And I think a huge reason people have such an ego about hours is because they'll spend 2000 hours on something and still lose and that sucks. And since people have been grinding the game since 2016 I think part of it is to just seem better than newer players that can't realistically catch up in hours. But I've put in the work, studied materials, labbed things out in customs because I want to get better. When I wanted to learn blight I saw a reddit post saying "your first 100 hours are blight boot camp, you shouldn't use any add ons or perks, winning doesn't matter, you gotta get the muscle memory down." It took a few games for me to comfortably play blight. I watched tutorials and guides, practiced in customs to get the memory in, then applied it to real games to actually make sure I could do it in real time with real people. Granted, when Blight came out this wasn't super possible, as there weren't many guides on him on release and nobody new the full potential of him so people legitimately did need to sit down and lab out techs, bumps, and slides themselves because someone has to do it first. And it sucks because people will dismiss it by either bringing up hours or just that blight is strong or an easy win, but when I play Wraith or Demogorgon now it's about hours and how easy a killer is and how it's low skill. No matter what people are gonna come up with excuses because they're very invested in the game as they've spent thousands of hours in it, but as a game ages the average playerbase gets better, and with more outside resources than ever it just gets easier and easier to learn and get better at the game and hours just mean less and less.
Do hours matter absolutely not but i do think to have an opinion on balance to me you need a minimum of 2k or 3k.
I seen P100 on a killer or survivor think they know it all p100 just means you grind the game does not mean u are good or bad at the game it almost the same thing
I totally get what you’re saying about ranked play giving people an ego trip. I play a lot of Rainbow Six Siege, and the ranks go from Copper to Champion. Let me tell you, if someone’s just one rank higher, they can be the most insufferable assholes.
I remember this one game where we lost 5-4. Afterward, a teammate messaged me, spewing all sorts of shit, telling me to uninstall, that I was the reason we lost, and that I should just quit. I clapped back, pointing out that I went 8-3 while he went 3-5, but he wouldn’t shut up. He was in a three-stack and Platinum.
In Siege, your stats are hidden unless you use a website called R6 Tracker to look them up. This guy must’ve done that because he kept messaging me, saying I had no right to talk since I was only Gold and he was Platinum. He spammed laughing emojis, saying I was mad and crying, and pointed out my 1.1 K/D. It was some of the most entitled, infuriating shit ever.
I have over 800 hours in Rainbow. I’m well-experienced in the game. I took a break, so when I came back, I was Gold because I wasn’t really trying that season. But I can confidently say I would never shit on my team or talk shit and then defend myself by stating that I’m higher ranked and therefore they should shut the fuck up because I’m not an asshole. Luckily, we 1v1’d and guess who got his ass kicked? I’ll give you a hint: Mr. 3-5.
It's all about how you use your hours. Are you consistently playing to get better at the game, or do you just casually boot it up and just so happen to build up the hours? It's the same reason that P100s shouldn't be taken seriously by players, because there is a lack in context in how you got there, especially since the new prestige system has been around for nearly 2 years now.
I just wanna say I love how you put your pronouns at the beginning of your videos, both as a trans person myself and as someone who likes to properly refer to people. Happy Pride!
Personally i dont think hours matter. I dont even have 500 hours in this game and ive obliterated 100 prestige TTV’s rubbing sabo purple toolbox on lerys
This game really does not require that much skill especially on the survivor side, I watched a couple videos of other people playing survivor and pretty much picked it up instantly, and the biggest thing about this game no one seems to understand is that the mixture of what map and what killer u get almost decides the game for u, getting Hillbilly on the game is a lot different then that same Hillbilly on Coldwind, as killer ur win is more decided by the map then ur actual skill, cuz at some point there is only so much u can actually do about the situation
This is why i made my steam account private. I have over 4k hours with multiple p100s and i have people commenting on my profile or bring up my account on their stream and make fun of that i have 4k hours in the game and was an easy tunnel 💀 get guud. Honestly tired of this community, playing single player games as of now ✌🏼
As someone closing in on 1k hours, I've definitely gotten better. Still can't memorize map layouts though lol. As long as you're having fun, who cares about hours.
Saying everything left to learn after 2-3k hours is just situational tricks is blatantly wrong. It of course depends on how you spend those hours, but even of all you do is try to learn and improve your still going to have a lot left. Otherwise I agree with all other points, especially about invalidating opinions because someone has low hours.
The only time I ever waive my 12,000+ hours around is if people pull that card on me first, really. Someone will tell me "Well I've got 4k hours so, that pretty much makes you wrong" to which I respond by metaphorically whipping mine out and slapping it on the table to compare sizes. I don't really take it that seriously, I just find it funny. I also put it in my stream titles because, well, it attracts people.
Not at all i have 3k hours between PC and console and still play like a bot half the time.
Now, my mmr is def pretty low. I only have about 114h (most of it being in killer games, only played a dozen or so survivor games) and have only just started seeing the occasional p100 survivor recently.
But I swear, sometimes the 20s playtime p0 survivor with 1 level 1 perk will carry the team with their galaxy brainitude plays, while the higher prestige survivors will tbag while camping a pallet against doctor and
Well you know where it goes from there
PSN messed up my playtime and I lost 1.4k hours on ps5. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing 🤷♂️
The information here is presented so well – kudos! 🏆📚
imo the most tedious way of shutting down discussion atm is, "someone who doesn't play both sides shouldnt have an opinion on the other" I'm 100% killer but I can still have the opinion that gen blocking is healthier than gen regression, I guess cos the only people who I know who play this are 100% survivor so I get a more balanced view and I'm comfortable enough to play with only QoL perks and addons and no slowdown, no tunnelling and camping is boring for me even in end game I'd rather go find another chase!
Hours doesn't mean anything beyond opportunity to learn. Hours mean nothing if you don't take that opportunity. If you only play one killer, it doesn't matter if you have 8K hours on the game, your knowledge isn't there over someone with even 1K if they have played all the killers.
And I would even argue depending on the topic, sometimes less hours would have a more accurate opinion. I have 275 hours in the game, I have played for 10.5 months (normally a match or two each day). I have most adept achievements (no vecna, no singularity, everyone else). I feel I have a good idea what Killers are easy to pick up for a new player, because I am one. If someone with 5K hours said I was wrong, I would look at them like they are insane. Eventually, I'll have the hours where I won't be able have an accurate view of that because my game knowledge will be beyond where it is now.
Hours do not directly translate to skill and/or knowledge. I have a shit ton of hours in Overwatch, I fucking suck at Overwatch.
Honestly, I Used To Use This Argument. I Don't Anymore Due To How Stupid It Is When You Really Think About It. People Learn At Different Paces. I Used To Avoid The Killer Role Like The Plague In My Early Hours Due To How Much I Sucked At It. Now At Almost 1k Hours I Almost Exclusively Play Killer. It's Not About How Many Hours You Have. It's How You Use Those Hours.
Finally, someone addressed this in a video! I completely agree with you. People have some really hot takes and all of it boils down to their hours. And this is the reason I prefer hiding my hours. I keep my opinions to myself, but even some people from this community REALLY want to prove that their point means something. And then they don't like what you've got to say. And then it comes to hours.
I don't understand, are we building a spaceship? Learning algebra? Is it that hard to learn the dbd mechanics (I am not talking about game sense)? I am not saying must be good every time – nobody can do that. RNG switches the game's tides like that.
Currently at 652 hrs and I'm not a loop god but I certainly have an idea on what to do. Hours are just bragging rights. I'm not much for bragging. 10 months playing DBD and I'm still learning.(i find that fun in itself) It is what it is.
I agree with everything you said here, it has always bothered me how people treat anyone below 1k hours as a "new player", so delusional.
Killer/surv main here with 150 hours. Im better than my survivor teammates who have 2000 hours 😭
IMO, hours do matter, dbd is very complex and it can take thousands of hours to learn things about the game that guide videos can’t teach you, it’s impossible to be an amazing player on less then 1000 hours not because people aren’t trying but because there’s skills that have to be learned, now where hours don’t matter is when you’re arguing with people about opinionated subjects, another thing where these hours aren’t as important to look at is how the person with the hours plays, someone with 7k hours who plays casually won’t be as good or experienced as someone with 2k who’s trying to get as talented as possible. That’s where hours should truly be ignored, how people play the game. In conclusion of everything I’m saying, hours won’t equal skill or knowledge, it’s how you spent those hours
I’ve been playing the game for years now and have about 3k hours but I honestly have never used my playtime against people. If anything it’s something I joke about with friends, my playtime doesn’t equate to skill, I’m still learning and nowhere close to the highest of MMRs. Hours don’t equal skill and I’m tired of people using that against others, it makes you look more pathetic if you think a statistic like that matters
I have over 900hours in DBD and I’m a pretty good killer hours don’t mean absolutely nothing because I’m sure I’ve done shitted on people with thousands of hours in DBD 😅
Hours matter to a degree, but they're not somehow the big decider in who's more knowledgeable. Heck, some of the weakest survivors I've faced have been P100s with 6000+ hours. They just play on autopilot without trying to do anything to counter me. And that's fine, people can play however they want. Just gotta temper your expectations. If you're not really trying, you shouldn't be surprised when you lose.
Meanwhile I have around 1500 hours as of this post. That doesn't mean I'm some godlike comp player. I play with low-tier killers most of the time and of course I occasionally lose. But the game is remarkably well balanced right now considering 1.SBMM is pretty terrible and 2. there is no separate queue for SWFs and solo players.
I highly agree with DBD being mostly a knowledge-based game. Too many people like to pretend the game has some super high skill ceiling when really it's not. I have like 5K hours in DOTA, that's a game you can spend your whole life improving at. DBD, not so much. You get far more value out of just equipping meta perks than any meaningful decision you make in the game. And I think that gives people a false sense of how good they are.
TL;DR, there are still people with thousands of hours who cannot loop to save their life. It's literally a skill issue. You can't force people to learn when all they want is free wins.