DO I CARE ABOUT YEAR 6? | Dead by Daylight

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I’ve been silent about the upcoming changes this year and whether or not I am excited, so here is a brief chat about it all!

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More about Dead By Daylight:

A group of up to four survivors must elude one killer. The survivors’ perspectives are third-person, while the killer’s perspective is first-person. The survivors cannot fight against the killer and can only survive by running away and evading them. They must use obstacles in the form of wooden pallets, windows, and items that they either find inside chests or bring before the match starts to run from the killer for as long as they can. In order to escape, survivors must repair 5 generators scattered across the entire map to power the exit gates, then they must open the exit gates and leave the area themselves or find a hatch to jump into.


22 thoughts on “DO I CARE ABOUT YEAR 6? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. God use your Mori’s now, everybody seems to like the change but for a baby killer like me i use them to clap teams that are stronger than me…*edit* i use it for obvious bully squads and SWF, i don’t use it on randoms or people who don’t flood/bully me.)

  2. I personally don't like the changes to the moris because it means no more downing people to pick them up and carry them around to give them hatch. Sure, I could just walk along with them and look for hatch but it's more fun to carry them on my shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

  3. My nurse has had 0 blinks during trial past few days. Seemingly at random and then it goes back to normal after a few hours. Its really frustrating, and she is supposed to be fixed.

  4. I'm not a huge fan of the finisher mori change mostly because it will make the Mori dailies pretty much a no brainer to discard. Now I have to kill three survivors and hope the fourth one doesn't find the hatch to get that daily done. At least give us a red mori to kill one survivor after reaching second stage. Or heck, even make it so you can mori one person only after you hooked everyone once.
    Also, but I realize this is a niche complaint, if you haven't hooked the last survivor even once it will hurt your devout emblem. But again, that is a very minor point and 90% of the games that won't be the case anyway.
    I like what it does do though. Saves a bit of time, can bypass the last survivor having DS, prevents them from running into a corner without hooks and getting downed there to prolong the game for no reason.

  5. You'd probably like attack on titan I'm about to get blasted here in the comments but I'm not really all that into it but that being said it is pretty good just not for me

  6. (I save mori for obvious bully squads)* It seems they want to cater to this idea that survivor should have this fun/ amazing experience. I barely agree with not camping, especially since the hooks are usually flooded. Mori lets me turn the table on bully squads. They have a right to mess with me. But i don’t have the right to kill one until the end? unless i get everyone?…for strong teams. SWF. Mori is the reason i get a last one!…maybe i need get gud. But this sucks for me i feel. Being someone who is permanent middling killer. Just my humble opinion..and comments help the channel.

  7. I am curious on how the new mori system will work with our current perks that allow us to mori people (devour hope rancor and if there is anything else that i cant remember at the time of typing this) unless they brought it up during the stream i didnt watch it so im not sure just curious on that front
    Also sadly knowing killers dredge will most likely be nerfed in a month or maybe sooner or who knows we might receive another pig nerf in place of it

  8. I think I'm most excited about the prestige rework. At p1 you get the t1 on every character, p2=t2, ect. when the update goes live (they said during a major summer update) any character that is p3 will get a "distinct reward" and they will being doing a prestige catch-up where you'll get levels based off perks & perk tiers you've acquired.

  9. For me the anniversary doesn't excite me. I will do the event masks, then back to evil dead. Gonna have Baal and Ruby coming 😁
    Wesker will be good, but they better add Wesker's voice lines in. Otherwise no point 🤣

  10. Might include some unpopular opinions especially when it comes to that anime crossover:

    1. I don't like what they'll do to the Mori. Survivors have it already easy and now it'll be even easier. I do think the game is focused on survivors and they proof it more and more.

    Some changes are nice ngl but I dislike the Mori change.

    2. The bot thing is nice! I would love to practice some builds in bot or test a killer in a bot game before going into an actual game.

    3. Uhg the crossover made me roll eyes. Like why would you throw in an anime into such a game? I'm not an anime fan (used to be with 16) and I find it'll only result in more children join dbd and that we all know will turn the game more toxic than it already is. I'm absolutely not here for it. I don't really care if someone likes those cartoons aka animes, I personally do not (I have many reasons) but I think it doesn't fit the game at all and to me it just feels like it is just made to draw in more money and more players which will be mainly children coming ihn . I'll probably pause until that crossover is done something, I hope it's just temporary like it was with stranger things. They could've done better crossovers and crossovers that fit the game? Instead of. That. I watched aot with 18 I believe and it wasn't bad but not something I'd necessarily remember after a while.
    My main issue is that I think that crossover doesn't fit at all
    It promotes children coming to dbd
    Plus it seems a bit.. Weird? Idk I get weird vibes. They always say they won't have minors in the game.. But if they bring in aot then the survivors will probably get skins of the people. So that means skins of minors for the characters. I am not here for that either. It's a big no thank you thing for me.
    Plus in aot the guys fight the titans. In dbd they won't fight them but run from them and do Gens.
    Idk to me it all feels very out of place when it comes to that crossover. Heck a transformers crossover would've made more sense and even that is a big questionmark on its own.
    I gib it like a 0/1000 seals.
    A the forest crossover would've been better than >that<. Like survivors vs the weird fleshy creatures.
    Stuff like that
    But not aot. Like no thank you.
    Ill have to Play another game until the anime hype passes in dbd once the crossover drops.

    To me a highlight will be the sandbox thing, I really like it. And the things with the perks load out that is great too! Like it a lot.

  11. Here's my thoughts…

    Dredge looks interesting but comes off as incredibly lacking in creativity. A teleporting killer with a stealth mechanic RIGHT after Sadako? Really BHVR?

    The various changes they are making will greatly benefit the game. If they can put their money with their mouths are. If they can meet their deadlines. More game health related changes. This is what they should be focusing on. 40 perks are being changed? Neat, once all this is done change another 40.

    My fear is the nerfs to the killer perks will be crippling while the change to Dead Hard for example will be minimal at best because BHVR favors the survivors as far as balance is concerned. But we shall see. Maybe I will be proven wrong.

    Overall I am excited but this is something they need to KEEP doing going further. Substantial changes.


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