Do I Learn Killers With or Without Addons – Dead by Daylight

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33 thoughts on “Do I Learn Killers With or Without Addons – Dead by Daylight”

  1. When nurses helping addon was purple I thought it didnt make any sense because once you get a bunch as nurse you dont really need that help anymore, they made it brown so yay

  2. Seems like what you mean by "changing gameplay" is if the add on has a noticeable effect on how you chase survivors, because obviously all add ons change gameplay in some way.

  3. I am addicted to "Double Blighted" for Blight but I mean, it's literally the best thing about this game. GOTTA. GO. FAST. I also feel like GhostFace's double recovery add-ons while not changing his gameplay should be something that is not spammed.

  4. I like the idea of learning a killer without addons and when you do, you can start using them, this way you don't get addicted but ocasionally you boost your power. This also preventing BP waste since we will eventually use them.

  5. I usually start out with Add Ons and then, when i feel comfortable with the power itself i scale it down more and more until i can use their power entirely without Add Ons.
    There are only a few exceptions to that rule:
    1) The killer is unplayably weak without them (Trapper) – where i end up using whatever i need in order for them to be playable
    2) The killer has clearly been designed to be used with Add Ons (Doctor) – where i use the lowest rarity of them.

  6. Emma time stamps

    Emma cat loafs behind painting. 0:01
    Emma contemplates moving. 1:46
    Emma decides not to move. 2:04
    Emma feels like moving again but doesn't want to get up because too chonky. 2:30
    Emma has new idea. 2:35
    Emma think about it for a few seconds 2:45
    Emma compromises on not getting up and instead shifting position 2:50
    Happy Bean (: 2:538:03

  7. At first i never used the topknot because i thought it was one of those laughable addons but when i was told that topknot was his best addon, i used it and i did feel a difference not that much. i continued using it till i decided to take it off because i didnt feel like anything* changed and it was a major difference


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