Do NOT Disrespect The Pig's Boxes | Dead By Daylight

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23 thoughts on “Do NOT Disrespect The Pig's Boxes | Dead By Daylight”

  1. You will not be able to explain to them that dead hard does not work with a deep wound, I played against 2k and 4k hours, and 6k hours trying to make a dead hard in this way, the latter claimed to be a tournament content creator and a popular streamer. 99% of players do not know that deadhard does not work with a deep wound, and attempts to explain to them will not find an answer in the chat. As I understand it, they do not read patch notes, and if they do, then the brain just works like this: "you need to press E and I am immortal, you need to press E and the match is won"

  2. Haven't played this game for ages. Still, I don't understand, why tunnel and facecamp someone just for using (meta-?)perks? Especially when you're a streamer with a fuckton of experience, playing the killer you've clearly practiced with for years. This looks cringy.


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