Do People Still Enjoy Playing Dead By Daylight?

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44 thoughts on “Do People Still Enjoy Playing Dead By Daylight?”

  1. I play both and both are incredibly fun. The thing is I don't dive too deep into a game, I mean honestly some people take a game and let it conume their lives and once that game becomes not to their liking they act like it's the end for the game 😂😂😂

  2. Tbh, with the sbmm, killer is either super hard or super easy. It's fun when it's easy, but there's no balance at all. I just have to try to be upbeat when going against a really good team. Usually, I like to think that I'm getting more practice than the survivors by going against better players when I get upset.

  3. I'm still actively playing it but most of the time I'm not having fun unless I'm in a swf with friends but me going against people with a high MMR on my nurse just isn't fun and killer just isn't fun to me anymore and I'm a killer main

  4. The nail in the coffin for me was when they added sbmm. As a killer main I dont want to play sweaty and deal with ds, unbreakable, and dead hards every game. It's not worth the headache and I gravitated towards other games. Bhvr is trying to kill off their game because they dont pay attention to high rank matches

  5. I love DBD for killer but I haven't played Killer since SBMM dropped (no need for me to say why). I've been playing solo Survivor alot recently and have a decent time for the most part but I just don't care enough about Survivor for me to get mad or agitated. So I can't really say I'm having fun but I wouldn't say that I'm not having fun either. Main thing that really keeps me invested is to see the future content they put it in this game.

  6. Honestly…..I love the game…HATE the players, I don't even mind the killers with whatever they do…it's survivors…let me tell you a short story: so match starts, me and 1 other person are doing gens separately, another survivor is TRYING to run the killer and another survivor is crouched around the one running the killer.
    It's a huntress, she downs one and downs the other because he simply sat over there, you already know they are swf. One is on the floor, the other on the hook in the same spot. I'm thinking… Ok pop this gen and assess the situation. Me and random pop 2 gens and I have on bond, saw him going for the save so I got back on a gen. Noticed him being chased so I came over, saved them both with borrowed time and they continued to get downed and when I got hooked, they left me on for both health states to "punish" me for not coming quick enough, then when the killer downed me the person teabags me while the killer watches, I die and the person escaped through hatch. The killer was camping their bodies the whole beginning so that's why we popped the 2 gens first. The survivor can punish you and then message you with their condescending remarks whereas the killer has to catch you first and it may cost him the match to punish you. Survivors can do it for free. I'm honestly am looking for anything else to play other than dbd right now.
    I've lost friends cause of this game, countless arguments, debates, sometimes I'd rather play against the bots in the tutorial……

  7. Ok I still enjoy dbd but recently mostly been playing survivor. I used to play killer a ton but it has become too stressful especially when I don't want to use totem perks. I still have a lot of fun just goofing around as solo survivor. It's fun even when I die or my teammates are all potatoes.
    Since I have been playing more survivor tho it has made me notice that survivor mains can be super toxic. People get so mad over noed lol. They even get mad at you for not running meta survivor perks.
    I've been playing since release and sure I have taken month breaks from the game but I always come back.
    I do have a question for you and sorry if you've already addressed this but what will it take for you to find dbd enjoyable again?

  8. There is a lot of “ Good things “ coming for all sides. With the recent patches coming. Idk, this game might be a good one to look back into. I completely understand how you feel bro, I genuinely feel a relief when playing a different game. – I am surprised to see the direction is getting “better” .. I wouldn’t turn the game down (completely) ..

  9. I personally do actually enjoy the game, most of the time. Yea sure, there are some bugs here and there, sometimes you get hit when you shouldnt, but that doesnt make the game not fun. It's really the randomness of dbd that makes it fun for me at least

  10. I am enjoying it I usually give survivors hatch and don’t camp or tunnel and I always get compliments I guess I’m lucky that I get non toxic survivors or maybe it’s the way I play. Also I’ve played apex the weekend after it came out and enjoy it and have made some really nice friends on that game and have had many good experiences. You can enjoy both games it’s up to you to figure out how you will end up enjoying it. Much love from a small YouTuber and a fan.

  11. I enjoy it when I’m not in red ranks just sweat after sweat after sweat on both sides while I get the shittiest teammates but when I play killer it feels like I’m in a scrimmage

  12. MY dbd experience is i play it.i am good for about 3-5 matches as survivor and I am out…Mind you (I have fun with meme builds more than trying to escape) killer-wise..well…about 3-6 matches and I'm out…

    Can't say i enjoy the game anymore..I use to..back then i actually got anxiety from killers….now its just a filler game

  13. I'll be playing Battlefield 2042 I'm not playing DBD like i use to but if i do play it it's when i want to but if DBD had a song it be by Ceelo green forget you but the dirty verison lol

  14. I enjoy it sometimes but i still dont get why they are buffing killers like pig n shit (not saying they dont need it they really do) but not nerfing gen speed which is the real problem

    Before anyone cries to me saying "yOu'Re jUsT mAd BeCaUsE yOu'Re nOt wInNing EvErYgAmE" i dont care about winning or 4k'ing unless its an extremely sweaty team because i like to push my limits and become better, im just saying what the true unbalence problem is

  15. Two days ago, I jumped into my first game in a month or so. Rank reset down to absolute zero, and thought MAYBE i would have more fun. So I put on my favorite combo of perks on my Main Nemesis, and started a match.

    LITTERALLY I was the lowest ranked player in the game. 3 out of 4 survs used the meta perks, two had flashlights and clicked all the time. On Haddonfield. I got three kills to be fair, but I was close to fucking screaming at the end. I couldnt stand the idea of playing another match. I love the aesthetics of Dbd, but something has to be changed. MAJOR changes are needed if I am to Play more than one match a year!

  16. I may get flamed for this but I'm going to say it. As a survivor main who became a killer main and now I just play both sides. I hate this game because it makes it obvious that they favor one side which is survivor. Because of them catering towards survivor, survivors especially a lot of ttvs have grown incredibly entitled and create this toxic atmosphere where killers start to get incredibly frustrated and become toxic without even knowing it. I'm not saying there are no toxic killers no shit every group has those shitheads. But the fact that I can play 2 hours on dbd and get 6 survivors messaging me to kill myself and trying to boot me offline versus only 1 killer even typing and the only thing they say is gg; there is a fucking problem in your game.

  17. No I don't Lol the game form my experience since MMR came has been nothing else but stressful to the damn point it affected my mental health from all the stress killer gave me so I decided to quit


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