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21 thoughts on “DO YOU UNDERSTADN WHY KILLERS CAMP AND TUNNEL? Dead by Daylight”

  1. DBD IS TRASH! survivor sided! and stupid devs that are extreme trash! its so fucking easy to fix!. they keep making it so kill cant camp benefiting survivors when it needs to be the other way AROUND that. clearly people at bvhr don't have common sense or brains for that matter. i camped last game it was fun and ez! compared to chasing but more importantly bvhr doesn't benefit killer from moving away from hook! as well as i had a survivor next to a gen that was 95% done with survivor on hook thats two objectives im holding why the fuck would i leave that. they need to make it so survivor on hooks regress gens at 350% if killer is away from hook and thats just facts bvhr is just dumb though!. they also need to buff killers up with movement speed if survivors are on hooks killers should be faster. making downs easier for survivor who just leave their teammates on hooks to finish gens no punishment another good reason to CAMP if 2 gens pop u got one on a hook NO GENS ARE BEING WORKED ON thus u can just camp!. game is trash the fact first chase typically involves 2 gens popping!, kinda shows the balance of this game and with all pallets pretty much on map still lol!. alot of killers need basekit addons and corrupt intervention should be basekit on killers survivors should'nt be able to start next to objective and certain killers like trapper and hag forced to have just to have a normal game!.

  2. Devs dont care about comp, making it fun for newcomers is what they aim for, so that they get more money and more people coming in and playing for at least 2 hours, while milking the dedicated players with dlcs

  3. TRU3, I agree with you completely and I would honestly love if you answered my question, if not then I would love it if somebody gave me an answer in the comments. I'm really curious on what people have to say on this. Its very obvious where you stand with all these balance issues that aren't being addressed by the devs. You want the game to be balanced on the top end so that killer doesn't feel helpless when going against a really strong team of survivors. That would not only be healthy gameplay and reduce a lot of stress when vsing a comp team, but also would allow us killers to actually be able to improve our skills. But seeing the game as it is right now, don't you think that those changes would completely destroy the SoloQ players who have no coordination and sometimes just play very non-optimal games (not doing gens, hiding in corner of maps etc.). I personally believe that if these changes that focus on balancing the game for top 1% players would need to be implemented in another game-mode (ranked) with an improved MMR System (tbh i don't see this happening ever xd) which would actually put good survivors to vs a killer their caliber.
    Then people would be able to play this game on high end (with balanced items, add ons and offerings ofc, i understand there is a lot of work that needs to be done before this is implemented) but also there would still be casual mode for people to just relax and enjoy the game with friends.

  4. Havent played dbd in forever. It had its moments but now its done for me. The graphics are still ps3 era stuff, theres no change to the game in a fun way etc etc. As bad and glitchy friday13 was, you at least had more options in fighting back, not just being chased hoping your team are doing objectives.

  5. 10:25 ??? BHVR doesnt look to make the game fun for anybody, only the hold m1 the hole game enjoyers, this aint about not giving a f bout killers, they just dont give a shi about anyone

  6. Dude u should make a clip going through these points and send it directly to the devs and have the community to everyone tweet it at them until they respond

  7. This new speed perk, will be the new dead hard. Unless it’s tweaked or nerfed. But I’m calling it now. I could be wrong, but as I see it. This is gonna be the new meta

  8. 09:45 Thats the way they should have rework Pain Resonance…. but I already hear everyone crying "Thats OP"… This game is in a cruel state and the devs do everything to fuck with Killer Mains…

  9. I don't understand why people play this game. It needs serious rework and we're not gonna get it unless we boycott the game, stop playing it and stop buying expansions. Playing it is enabling the devs not to care about balance and gameplay mechanics at all.


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