I agree, this is a very bad for trapper, there are only a few number of good places to put down traps, a survivor must be either pretty bad or just half-blind to not avoid those, this was a lucky game for Tru3.
That's the reason when no one find the hex: ruin totem. After I'm starting a game 30 sec later my ruin is gone…. But the devs love the survivors more then killers.
One thing I noticed about True playing Trapper. When a survivor gets trapped, he always picks them up, regardless of if they're his obsession or not. He could be getting many more Save the Best for Last stacks, but instead just picks them up out of it every time.
Remember instaflashlights?
holy shit this game was broken
"horrible map for Trapper" … 4 man – 5 gen, lol
Ah yes, just what every currency needs: a self destruct mechanism. Totally makes it a stable way to pay for things
As Trapper, reworked outdoor maps are harder to play than indoor maps before the rework. Change my mind.
I see we're back to the cursed thumbnails lol
That ruin was kicking ass

no gens was to be done..
This is one of of my favorite trapper maps. Definitely not bad at all. I mean just take a look at this game.
Lol YouTube thinks this is League of Legends because of the LOL in the title
I agree, this is a very bad for trapper, there are only a few number of good places to put down traps, a survivor must be either pretty bad or just half-blind to not avoid those, this was a lucky game for Tru3.
why do you use save the best and not hitting ppl on trap wtf
love the crypto chats during the games. dont forget to buy more safemoon
Cringe ass meg failed at the body block
I heard a gnome and i can't find one in match, someone know how to get it more easy? (Sorry im not a english writer/speaker)
Imagine not having the tar bottle add on on this map.

My god trap was at the bottom of the whole where the rubbish builds a ramp I think by the library thingy? they walked into this trap like crazy.
That's the reason when no one find the hex: ruin totem. After I'm starting a game 30 sec later my ruin is gone…. But the devs love the survivors more then killers.
The god trap on midwich: exists
Atheist survivors: surprised pikachu face
I wish they would do something about the exhausted on the ground situation
14:29 When I play survivor hatch spawns right in front of the killers feet like this %99 of the time.
One thing I noticed about True playing Trapper.
When a survivor gets trapped, he always picks them up, regardless of if they're his obsession or not.
He could be getting many more Save the Best for Last stacks, but instead just picks them up out of it every time.
If i play DBD Killer. 3 gens are done in 3 min… This here is a joke^^
“Oh fuck off”
That made me lol
8m min not one gen done ROFL. NOOBS
Your videos are too dark man. Hard to see and appreciate the gameplay
Who remembers Injustice raaaaaanked