DBD: The Nurse Got Nerfed!

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The Nurse FINALLY got NERFED in Dead by Daylight!
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Thanks to itsbethlol & catlicktoe for the intro!
Outro Song – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEDWkhBL9g4

Hope you enjoyed!


30 thoughts on “DBD: The Nurse Got Nerfed!”

  1. That was coup btw, she doesn’t lose tokens on Coup, Stbfl, or Play with you food, because the wording for her power is called “blink attacks” not special attacks, so the game doesn’t register it as one. Easy patch fix, and the 7 blink nurse definitely is not going to live servers

  2. Meanwhile, guess who be whingeing that a bunch of perks on her no longer allow for boring af slug at 5 gens games. Yeah, really gonna hurt those chads who have no interest in games with gameplay to them.

  3. That's all nice, but nothing will make Nurse stop being the strongest killer in the game. It's all mainly due to the fact that her power alone bends the rules of the game bypassing everything that is basic counter to the killer. BHVR would have to remove her ability to blink through objects if they wanted to make Nurse stop being the strongest killer in the game. As for the 7 blinks, I really like that they halfway restored such a thing, but in a different form, you can mess with players' heads.

  4. Tbh the game fkd survivors UP like they really fkd like so many perks and now the breakout perk is useless ,boil over , even saboteur bc the wiggle are so fkn slow and no "SWAY" what so ever! BHVR=TRASH

  5. The only “nerf” they did was make her blink attacks special attacks, and they buffed her add ons. She needs to actually be nerfed. I know Ayrun is a skilled killer and survivor however, what nurse mains can’t also pull of crazy crap like this? In the right hands there’s just not much counter play like with you can with blight or other killers.


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